Chapter 16

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When we finally arrive at Clint's farmhouse, I exit the jet next to Steve. I really want to discuss his supposed feelings for me. I just want to know if they're real or not. At the same time though, I don't know what to do with that information.

It would be a dream come true if Steve said he liked me. I don't know if I can really handle that though. I don't know if a relationship in this world would really work. Tony and Pepper handle it, but sometimes that have their falling outs. It honestly doesn't seem very stable.

Clint and Laura are happy together, but they live in hiding and Clint is constantly leaving for missions. Plus, they have a huge family to take care of. I don't know if I even want kids. Steve seems to be that type of guy though.

"Where are we?" Steve asks.

"You'll see," I look up at him.

We make eye contact and he somehow captures me. I don't want to take my eyes off him, but I also need to. I don't want to be falling for something I'm not sure about.

I look forward and continue my walk. I sped up a little trying to take my mind off the butterflies in my stomach. Steve just catches up to me though.

"Now you're avoiding me. We should talk," he says as we reach the porch.

"Seems to be a pattern."

"Honey! I'm home!" Clint yells as he and Nat walk into the house together.

Laura walks into view holding some papers. She puts them down when she sees all of our faces.

"I have company," Clint states and sits Nat down before walking over to his wife.

"Sorry I didn't call ahead," Clint says and leans down to kiss the mother of his children.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony says, not wanting to believe that Clint actually has a life.

"Gentleman, this is Laura, as the ladies already know," Clint introduces his wife with a nod to me and Nat.

"I know all of your names," she scans the room, but stops at me.

"Except you," Laura looks up at Clint.

I step forward and extend my hand for her to shake. She accepts it and shakes it for a brief second.

"Hi, I'm Natalie Carter. I'm new here," I say with a smile.

Laura returns the gesture and asks a question to continue the conversation.

"Where are you from, Natalie?"

Everyone's eyes turn to me. They're all curious as to what my answer would be. I don't really want to go into depth. I'm sure Clint will explain later.

"The short answer would be Cleveland."

Laura looks back at Clint confused and he just laughs and pats his wife on the back.

Footsteps are heard running through the hall and down the stairs. Two very special children are on their way. Cooper and Lila Barton.

"Incoming," Clint smiles.

The kids storm through the doorway and run straight towards their father.

"These are smaller agents," Tony continues his joke.

"Tony, he has a family. Get over it. You'll get there one day, too," I smile.

Tony looks at me as if asking if I'm serious. I nod and he has a mini heart attack. Like that moment in the third Iron Man when his one-night stand showed up and told him there was a 13-year-old kid in her car.

I still laugh at that.

"Did you bring auntie Nat?" Lila asks her father.

Nat comes out from her little corner with a big smile on her face.

"Why don't you hug her and find out," Nat says and scoops the little girl off of the ground.

"Sorry for barging in," Steve apologized.

"Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you exist," Tony adds.

"Fury help me set this up when I joined. He kept it off shield's files. I figured it was a good place to lay low," Clint explained.

"Steve, can we talk now?" I whisper.

He nods and we start to sneak away towards the stairs. Thor follows, but he turns and walks out the door.

"Where is he going?" Steve asks.

"To go find more information about Asgard and the infinity stones. I figured it's best he do it himself. Besides, it's not like we're doing anything here," I said and Steve agreed.

We walk up the stairs and enter a bedroom. Steve and I walk in and I sit down on the bed. Steve closed the door and locked it.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think you were about to make a move," I joke.

"Good thing you know better," Steve sighs and puts his shield down on the ground.

He walks over and sits next to me. Nothing is said for a good two minutes. He just stares at his feet and his hands squeeze his knees. I just stare at him. I know it's rude to stare, but I'm just trying to read him. I want to figure him out.

"Steve, are you okay?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. Whatever Wanda made me see got to me. It opened my eyes," he explained.

My heart practically dropped out of my chest. That dream could've been what ended up leading him to go back and live with Peggy. He still carries that guilt that he left her in the first place.

"I know. You feel guilty, don't you? For promising that dance. It wasn't a proper goodbye, but you said it. And that vision Wanda put in your head only made you realize," I say.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asked me, absolutely shocked.

Wait, did his vision change? Is he upset about something completely different? Maybe I just assumed. I probably just read him wrong. Something is up though. And what about that dream 'opened his eyes'?

"I don't think we're on the same page," I laugh off my assumption.

"Clearly not."

"Wait, did you not dream about your dance with Peggy and your PTSD?" I turn to him, giving my full attention.

"What? No, not at all," Steve shakes his head.

"Well, then what did you dream about? If I may ask."

"Natalie, I," he paused and took a deep breath.

He's nervous. Nervous to tell me, or nervous to see how I would react. He shuts his eyes in order to focus. He also released his knees and taps his legs which I have noticed to be a nervous habit of his. He always grabs something or puts his hands in his pocket when talking to me. I never understood it, but after what Stark said, I assume it's because of his nerves to talk to someone he has feelings for me.

"Steve you can tell me," I say and place a calm hand on his shoulder.

Steve's eyes opened and looked directly into mine.

And I thought they were pretty on screen. I'll never get over his eyes.

I'll also never get over his next four words.

"I dreamt of you."

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