Chapter 12

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"Worthy," a voice carries out the word.

It's really creepy to actually hear in real life rather than through a TV speaker.

Ultron comes into view within one of the iron legion robots. It's not damaged though. I told Tony not to send them out, so they are fully functional. I only just now thought about that.

Saving lives was worth it though and keeping the Avengers in tact.

"No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers," Ultron notes.

He's not wrong.

Every Avenger has been responsible for at least one person's death.

"Stark," Steve warns.

"Jarvis?" Tony asks, but doesn't get an answer.

"Sorry, I was asleep. Or, I was a dream," Ultron ignores the comments made from the heroes.

"Reboot," Tony commands, starting to get worried.

"We got a buggy suit."

"It's not malfunctioning Tony," I state and he looks back at me confused.

"There was this terrible noise," the robot asks still not talking to anyone in particular.

"And I was tangled in strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy," Ultron states and everyone in the room tenses up.

"You killed someone?" Steve asked firmly.

"That's kind of hypocritical," I shrug.

"Wouldn't have been my first call," he answers, finally talking directly to us.

"But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices," he finishes.

"Still killed someone," I purse my lips into a thin line.

"Who sent you?" Thor asks in a commanding tone.

Ultron plays the recording of Tony form earlier when he said, "I see a suit of armor around the world."

That's when it finally clicks with Bruce and Tony.


The Science Bros look back at me they know that I knew this was going to happen.

"In the flesh. Or no, not yet. Not this chrysalis, but I'm ready," Ultron continues and people start to arm themselves.

"I'm on a mission," he states.

"What mission?" Natasha asks, calmly.

"Peace of our time."

The other bots bust through the walls and Steve kicks a table up to block them from our direction. The table comes flying back and it all happened so fast. Steve grabs me and he jumps out of the way, with me in his arms.

We land with him straddling me and I notice a tiny blush on his face. He doesn't move, so I'm stuck under him. I see one of the robots come flying towards up and I push Steve off me, which was really hard to do, by the way. I grab the closest thing to me which just so happens to be a chair. I jump up and slam it on top of the robot. I look over at Steve who looks shocked and honestly so am I.

"I'm not completely useless," I sigh.

Steve just turns away and jumps up onto a robot, but it, unfortunately, crashes him back into a wall. I see one about to blast the hell out of Maria so I throw the only thing I had at it. My shoe.

It looked back and me and started to charge at me, but it never made it closer than a foot because Maria shot it down.

The two of us make eye contact and I nod at her.

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