Chapter 20

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When I wake up, I look to my right to see a perfectly handsome man right next to me. Just looking at him puts a smile on my face. Also, I kissed Steve Rogers. Like multiple times. I made out with Captain America!

My life is looking up these days.

His perfect blonde hair is all messed up from sleeping. His eyelashes lay perfectly on his face. Steve's chest moves up and down with steady breaths. His still shirtless figure is just more appealing to look at while he's wrapped in my sheets. Maybe that's just my dirty mind though.

Sleep takes a deep breath as he turns onto his side and fully faces me. We're centimeters apart. If I moved, he would wake up instantly. That's why I stay put. I like watching him sleep. He's cute.

"You staring at me is really creeping me out you know," Steve grumbles, with his eyes still closed.

"Sorry. I can't help it. I never actually thought this would happen because you're not real and - "

In one fluid motion, Steve pushes me down onto my back and straddled me. He looked into my eyes with a smirk.

"Oh, I'm real."

Indeed you are.

"I guess I just need a reminder," I say in complete shock.

Steve Rogers has a sexy side.


"I think I can do that."

Steve rids of the space in between us and kisses my lips. Just soft and sweet.

It was a nice start to my day.

"Thank you, soldier," I smile up at him.

"It's what I'm here for."


When Steve and I enter Tony's lab, everyone is already there. They all turn and look at us as if we've committed a crime.

"Looks like some people had a late start to the day," Tony smirks as I walk by him.

"Oh, but it sure as hell was a good one," I joke and look up at Steve's blushing face.

Part of me feels bad for doing this. Now I know for sure that I actually have feelings for Steve and it's not just because I like the movies. Except I still don't know for sure if this is what I want. I'm really happy I stopped us last night before we did something we would both regret. I really just want to be certain.

And right now, I'm not.

"Wait, did you guys? Are you serious?" Bruce complained.

"First of all, you're one to talk," I say referring to Natasha.

"Second of all, no we did not."

"Anyway, let's get back on track. How is Vision coming?" I ask Tony.

"What's Vision?" Bruce asks.

"Right sorry. Thor named the robot Vision because he saw it in his dream, or his vision. I know. Thor totally lacks creativity," I sigh.

"Why not keep the name Jarvis?" Tony asks, almost offended.

"Because when the Vision wakes, he's no longer Jarvis. Jarvis is apart of him, but he has his own mind. Just like Ultron," I explain.

"Right. Well, Vision is coming along. we just need to kick start the power," Bruce explained.

"Hey kids, you think you can do that?" Tony says, getting their attention.

"Actually, the Maximoffs wouldn't be able to power it. Their power comes from the mind stone. It wouldn't change anything that the stone hasn't," I say, shutting down Tony's idea.

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