Chapter 13

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The room was silent for a while until I look over at Steve. I need to talk to him and he needs to talk to me. After what I just said, I realized that I need to make up with Steve and work as a team. Tony and Steve fell out and they lost because of it. I give him a look that speaks my thoughts and he breaks the silence so we can get to our chat faster.

"Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller," Steve says.

The group starts to disperse and eventually everyone is gone. Except for me and Steve. We stand in silence just staring at each other. I started to make a sentence, but so did he. We both stopped talking again. I look up at Steve and nod for him to go first.

"You're mad at me. You're mad at me because of something I do in the future," Steve says a little coldly, but not as much I am to him.

Damn you, Barton. What a blabbermouth.

"That's not exactly it. You broke a promise. Because you broke it, I feel like that was an empty promise since the day you made it. My mom always told me to never make a promise you can't keep. That's exactly what you did."

"What do you want me to do about it, Natalie!? You're mad at me for doing something I haven't even done. I won't break the promise! Is that what you want?" Steve yells.

"I don't know. I'm happy for you, but part of me wants you to feel guilty and take it back. You had every chance to keep it, but you didn't. You just left," I say.

"Wait, what promise did I fail to keep?" Steve asks, no longer angry, but full of curiosity.

"You weren't with Bucky until the end of the line. You left him. You left everyone. You were tempted and you gave in. Everyone deserves to be happy. Some more than others, but I thought you were. I thought you got over it and were okay, but you weren't. You even said you didn't want a family - "

"Wait, I left Bucky to have a family? How did I leave him then? Why couldn't I still be there for him?" Steve asks, a little more eager this time.

"You have a family with Peggy."

Steve looks shocks. Confusion covers his face as he tries to wrap together what I just said.

"Wh-? How?" Steve manages to get out.

"Tony and Bruce figured out time travel. You were on a mission and you didn't come back. You left everything behind to live with the girl everyone thought you got over," I sigh.

"What if I don't go? Why can't I just stay here?"

Why even ask that question? He can if he wants. Does this mean he wants to stay? I don't know if he knows. I don't think he will know until given that opportunity. If I was able to go back to my family, I would, without hesitation. Then again, I have no ties or connections here.

"You can. You just didn't want to," I shrug.

"I get that, but I don't think I'll leave. I have more things here than I did back in 1945. Besides, I would have to live in hiding, wouldn't I? I like my freedom. I want to keep it," he states.

"You say that now, but -"

"Natalie! Can we agree that I haven't done anything wrong? Please. I don't want to break the promise. I said it because I meant it. Be mad at me for something that I actually do, okay?" he says calmly.

"I'm sorry," I say shamefully.

"Why are you sorry?"

"For treating you like trash."

"It's okay. I treated you poorly too."

Steve starts to walk away, but I stop him with a question. The question that has been bothering me since this stupid movie came out.

"Why didn't you lift it?"

Steve looks at me confused.

"The hammer you picked it up and then you put it back down. You lift it or you don't. You're worthy or you're not. You could've, but why didn't you?" I further explain.

"Why didn't you?" Steve smirks and walks away.

I think about his question. Maybe there was more depth behind his question. I don't think Steve Rogers as a wise ass though. To answer his question though would be because I knew I couldn't do it. I know I'm not worthy.


Does Steven Grant Rogers think he's unworthy to wield the hammer?


"Why would Ultron kill Strucker?" Bruce asks me.

"Because he knew something that he didn't want you to know. As I said before, Ultron wants to keep you off him," I explain.

"I assume he erased everything we had on Strucker?" Natasha asks.

"You would assume correctly."

"What did Ultron not want us to know?" Steve asks.

"Well, Stucker had connections. One of them was a man that Tony met at a weapons convention. This man smuggled something out of Wakanda and Ultron wants to get his hands on it."

"What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asked.

I look over at Steve and Tony who are currently having a mini freak out.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some trade goods - "

"I thought your dad said he used the last of it," Steve cuts Tony off.

"Guys, what comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asks again.

"The strongest metal on earth," Tony answers.


"Who is this guy?" Natasha asks.

"I can't remember his name. It's something like -"

"Is this him?" Thor asks.

Thor holds up a picture of the australian. The picture he pointed out with the tattoos and brand.

"Yeah that's him," I nod.

Bruce types away on the computer and finds the name.

"Here, Ulysses Klaue."

"Understandable name to forget," Clint laughs.

"Where is this guy now?" Steve asks.

"A salvage yard on the African coast. He's loading cargo out and about to be ambushed by Ultron and the Maximoffs."

The team leaves the room and as I walk out, my arm is taken hold of. I look back to see Steve and Clint giving me a look. A look that says, "Stay here. We need to talk."

"Speaking of the Maximoffs," Steve starts out.

"Are you sure you want to give up on getting the speedy one and getting to other earths?" Clint asks.

"Yeah. The collision of realities sent me here for a reason. There's no place I'd rather be," I sadly smile.

"Is that a promise?" Steve asks.

"Yeah. And I plan on keeping it," I say towards Steve.

I didn't say it out of spite or anger though. I said it to show him that I was given a gift of temptation. I could've left, but I didn't because I have to stay. It's my duty. I can build a life here.

I will build a life here.

Whether it's with the Avengers or not.

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