A New Year

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Avery's P.O.V:

The platform for the Hogwarts Express was as busy as always, parents saying goodbye to their children, friends meeting again since the summer, and the people hurrying to board the train made it that way. I said goodbyes to my mother and father as I grabbed my friend Charles by the arm, dragging him with me to help find a seat.

Charles looked at my eyes. "What are you so nervous about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie. Anybody could tell I was nervous from the yellow color of my eyes.

Charles grabbed my hand. "We go through this every year Avery, there is nothing to be nervous about."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, once I was calmed down I gave myself reasons to be excited today, I opened my eyes again and looked back at my friend. He smiled when he saw that my eyes had shifted to their blue-green, informing us that I was now excited for the school year.

"Let's go find a seat, shall we?" I smiled, holding out my arm.

Charles smiled back as he took my arm. "We shall."

We looked around the train and saw that the only place with open seats contained a Slytherin boy who was already in his robes. I knew we had to ask if we could sit in the same compartment and my eyes shifted back to yellow as I readied myself to do so.

With a deep breath I spoke to the boy. "Excuse me but would you mind if we sat in here? Everywhere else is full."

The boy looked at Charles and myself then shrugged, we took that as an answer and sat down in the seats across from the boy who was now looking out the window.

"Avery you're nervous again," Charles pointed out.

The Slytherin boy looked over at us, obviously confused as to why Charles was pointing at my eyes. I looked over at the boy as he began to stare at my eyes, I knew they were shifting to a sky blue color now.

"Charlie now is not the time to point out these things," I told him as I began to look down, blushing because of the embarrassing situation I put myself in.

Sebastian's P.O.V:

I couldn't help but stare at the strange sight in front of me. The girl's eyes changed color? I seemed to have made her uncomfortable because of my stare but I wasn't going to look away now, this girl had my full attention until I understand what just happened.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Her friend asked.

"Stop looking at my eyes, it's bad enough that you know which color means which emotion. Besides if you want me to be calm you should stop pointing them out," The girl whispered.

So her eyes change color with her emotions? Interesting.

I turn back to the window as they continue their discussion, this was going to be a long train ride.

Avery's P.O.V:

After my embarrassing moment I finally calmed down but after awhile I started to get bored. I tried looking out the window but I ended up looking at the boy across from me.

The boy looked sixteen so I was sure he was a sixth year like me. His black hair was messy like he ran his fingers through it one too many times.

Curiosity took my smokey grey eyes from their color of boredom to a teal color as I caught a glance of my reflection in the window.

"You might want to get changed into your robes," Charles informed me.

I looked over to see him in his robes, I didn't even notice he changed. I knew he was right though so I got up and grabbed my robes.

Once we arrived at Hogwarts and got off the train I noticed that the Slytherin had been near us the entire time until we arrived at the Great Hall. When we reached the Great Hall Charles dragged me towards the Hufflepuff table where we sat next to our many housemates and waited for the sorting ceremony to begin.

The sorting was nothing new but of course everyone was still excited, you could see it in everyone's eyes. When the new Hufflepuffs walked over to the table they were greeted with open arms, some of them were actually hugged before they sat down at the table.

The feast was about to begin as the excitement settled down, my blue-green eyes slowly shifted to the forest green color that meant I was happy.

"I still think we should do the stuffed badgers idea, what do you think Avery?" Charles asked.

I looked over at my friend, confused. "Pardon?"

"Buying a bunch if stuffed animal badgers and charming them to say nice and encouraging things for the first years," He explained.

"It's a cute idea Charles I'll agree with that but I still think we should expand the birthday thing," Amelia, one of Charles's other friends said.

"Yeah but expand it how?" He questioned.

"Instead of it being just our house whose members we give gifts to we give the disowned kids from other houses gifts on their birthday as well," She told him.

"Why don't you guys just do both ideas? That way you don't have to decide on what to do and you can make more people happy," I suggest.

Amelia's eyes widened and Charles slapped himself on the forehead.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Charles whined, rubbing where he slapped his face.

"Avery you're a genius!" Amelia exclaimed, standing from her seat.

"Uh....thanks? Now where are you going?" I asked.

She ran not looking back while yelling. "To make your genius plan come to life!"

I looked over at Charles. "You better go make sure she doesn't mess something up or make something explode."

He sighed. "Yeah, see you in the common room."

I gave him a wave before turning back to my other housemates and starting up another conversation.

I don't know how, but I can already tell that this year was going to be an eventful one.

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