The Last Day

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The end of the year came faster than expected, none of us were ready to go back home because we knew that we wouldn't be able to spend every day with each other when we did.

"Don't look so sad Avery, we've got next year to see everyone again," Alec said.

Alec had joined our little group about a week before, I had to laugh when Penny had told me that I had finally collected the whole set, a friend from each house.

"I know," I sighed. "Hey at least we'll all be at my brother's wedding, right?"

"Of course we're all coming," Titus spoke up from behind us.

I whipped around and smiled at the newcomers who had just joined us. "It's about time you five showed up, I thought we were going to board the train without you."

"Does anybody else think it's weird that we all just became friends this year?" Penny asked. "I mean we never even rode the train together until this year."

I thought about it for a second. "Honestly this year has been so eventful I kind of forgot that we weren't friends before."

Sebastian put an arm around me. "Before this year I didn't consider anyone to be my friend."

"And now look at you," Daniel gestured to the two of us.

"You got yourself a girl too," Marc said, putting an arm around Penny.

Sebastian looked down at me. "What a beautiful light purple color."

Light purple, the color my eyes change when I'm embarrassed. Of course he went ahead and pointed it out, probably making it worse.

Thankfully I didn't have to hear anything else about my eyes because we had to board the train. It's a difficult process to find a place where seven people can sit together but somehow we made it happen, I was sure that we couldn't but Marc, Titus, and Alec were ready to prove me wrong today so they jumped at the chance.


"Is anyone else bored?" Marc asked.

I glanced around at each of my friends, noticing how tired they all looked.

"I think it's safe to say yes," I answered for everyone. "Why, do you have something to cure our boredom?"

Marc shook his head. "I was hoping someone else would know what to do."

"We could sleep," Daniel offered with a yawn.

"But sleep is boring," Marc whined. "I want to not be bored."

Penny held a book out to him. "Read?"

"Eat?" Alec joined in.

I picked up Ollie from off my lap because he decided it was play time and handed him to Marc. "Here, have fun."

"Kitty," Marc said in a childish voice as he took Ollie who sunk his claws and teeth into him without warning. "Ow! You could have warned me he was dangerous first."

"I did you a favor. You were bored, now you're not," I nodded towards the cat that was trying to chew off his thumb. "Now play with him."


I don't remember when I fell asleep but I woke up to Sebastian gently shaking me awake.

"We're here," He whispered softly, helping me up.

I smoothed down my shirt, attempting to make myself look like I hadn't been asleep for most of a train ride. It felt weird to not being wearing our school robes but I had an entire summer to get used to not wearing them.

Sebastian grabbed my hand, pulling me along through the crowd. "Stop fussing, you look fine."

I turned back to our seats. "Sebastian, my bag."

"I've got it," Alec called out from in front of us.

"And Marc has Ollie," Sebastian told me as we made our way off the train.

Stepping off the train we joined the crowd of people, maneuvering our way through them until Sebastian spotted my parents, standing and talking with his.

"Well isn't this a surprise," Sebastian's father said, looking at our group of friends, seeing Titus and Sebastian talking to each other.

Alec put my suitcase in front of me and Marc handed me Ollie.

"Thanks guys," I told them before opening up Ollie's pet carrier that was laying on top of the suitcase and putting him inside of it, freeing my hands again.

I walked towards my parents and pulled them into a group hug. "I've missed you both."

"Oh so you don't miss me and Nadia," Remington fake sniffed. "I see how it is."

I let go of our parents and made my way to the soon-to-be married couple, pulling them into an embrace. "Don't get jealous, envy green isn't your color."

Nadia laughed, brushing strands of her dirty blonde hair out of her face. "I can't wait to officially be able to call you my sister."

I smiled up at her. "Me too."

"Hey Harper!" Titus called. "I've gotta go."

I sighed. "I guess that means you want a goodbye hug."

"Don't do it," Daniel said to Titus. "It's a trap."

I narrowed my eyes at Daniel, hugging Titus as I kept my glare towards the brunet. All Daniel did was laugh in response.

As soon as Titus left Sebastian's mother looked at him with a confused glance. "Since when did you start hanging out with your cousin and a bunch of other people?"

Sebastian smiled. "Let's just say someone used their Hufflepuff powers and made me realize the type of people I was missing out on."

"I told you she had Hufflepuff powers," Marc whispered.

Penny put an arm around my shoulder. "Congratulations to Avery Harper for being the best Hufflepuff we all know."

I looked to Alec. "Don't worry Alec, you're their close second."

"Except for maybe Daniel," Marc teased his cousin.

"Wait," I gasped. "Daniel's got himself a Hufflepuff?"

Daniel began turning red, bowing his head so we couldn't see. "Can we talk about this later? I kind of want to get out of this train station."

"Let's go to our house," My Mom offered. "You all can talk to your heart's content when we get there."

None of us were against the idea so we all grabbed our bags and made our way out of the train station, Alec and Penny making sure to tell their rides where they were going and dropping off their bags before rejoining us.

When we made it to my house my group of friends, minus Titus, all made their way to my room with me. There we learned about Daniel's girl that he had been keeping as a secret and we all did what my mom said we would, we talked until we were content and until everyone had to go home to their families to catch up on everything they had missed during the school year.

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