Talk It Out?

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"What are we going to do about it?" Someone whispered, I assume Daniel.

I kept my eyes shut, just wanting to listen to hear what the problem was about.

"I don't know, she clearly said she didn't want us to hurt him," Another voice, Penny, replied.

"We already talked to him, isn't that enough? I mean come on look at her, she's sleeping peacefully and doesn't look worried at all," Marc joined in.

It was completely clear to me that they were talking about the Charles incident, the one thing I wanted to forget about today and try to figure out later.

Daniel sighed. "Yeah but still, he was very rude whenever we went and talked to him, going on about how we were brainwashing his perfect little Avery."

"I can't even believe he had the nerve to say that. His Avery? Since when?" Marc asked, sounding a little defensive.

"I don't know but I really didn't want to stay to find out, I was about to do something I would've regretted if I wasn't reminded how she felt about the whole situation," A fourth voice, one that I recognized as Sebastian, spoke up.

"She's going to be okay though, right?" Marc sounded worried. "I mean the way she acted after the situation was over, she didn't even want to step foot in that dormitory because she knew he was going to be there."

"She's going to be fine, none of us will let anything happen to her," Penny said in a soothing tone, most likely trying to calm Marc down seeing as he sounded extremely worried about me.

"I only know one thing for sure about this whole mess, if Avery wants to stay here she gets what she wants, I don't care if we rotate who's bed she gets or if we get another bed in here for her. She can stay here for as long as she wants too, a week, a month, the rest of the year, I don't care. She stays," Sebastian declared.

My heart swelled with a sort of happiness at what Sebastian said, it made me feel better about everything knowing that he cared enough just to say that. I knew that I was at least a little bit important to him but right now it seems that I get more and more important to him each day, what he said just now proves that.

"Well now we have our next question, who's going to wake up our little Hufflepuff?" Daniel asked.

Everything went silent as I felt someone pushing some of my hair back from out of my face. The same person leaned down next to my ear.

"Wake up Avery," Sebastian whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to make it seem like I wasn't awake the entire time before sitting up.

"Morning," I greeted the four of them, stretching as I sat up.

Sebastian studied me for a second. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Tired mostly, maybe a little worried about being in a wedding and stuff but still, mostly tired."

He shook his head. "That's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant," I sighed. "And my answer stays the same, tired and a little worried, but maybe it's not just a wedding that I'm worried about."

Everyone in the room nodded in understanding as they all looked at me like I was going to break down again if they took their eyes off me for even just a second.

"Guys, it was just a misunderstanding. I'm sure everything will be fine after I talk it out with him," I said, watching as their entire mood changed in a split second.

"Talk it out with him?" Penny repeated.

Daniel shook his head as Marc began to freak out about the five little words that were spoken twice.

"You're not planning on doing this alone are you?" Sebastian asked, an unfamiliar look in his eyes.

I looked into his eyes, trying to read the emotion behind them. "Well yeah, I planned on it. Do you have a better idea?"

"Yeah," He paused, looking at the rest of them before returning his gaze to me. "You're going to talk to him, and we're going to make sure he listens to what you have to say."

I began to fear the thought of what he might do to make Charles listen to me. "You're not going to torture him are you?"

He shook his head, giving me a small chuckle. "No Avery, we're not going to torture him."

"Thank goodness," I sighed out a breath of relief.

Sebastian stood up. "You should probably get ready for today so we can all go down and get breakfast, you too Penny. Gentlemen shall we give the ladies some privacy?"

Daniel got up and gave me a couple pats on the head before leaving, Marc hugged Penny then repeated Daniel's actions to me again then he left the room, and I thought Sebastian was just going to leave but he turned around at the door.

"See you in a bit," He said before winking and leaving the room.

I stared at the door in confusion before standing up and grabbing my clothes that laid neatly on the bedside table.

"What was that about?" I asked Penny.

"I don't know, he's just being weird," She replied, grabbing her own clothes as well.


The five of us made our way down to the Great Hall, taking our time as we walked. Marc was currently giving Penny a piggyback ride to try and avoid being punched by Daniel because he insulted him, this entire time Sebastian and I were discussing Herbology while Marc was yelling for us to help him.

Once we reached the Great Hall Marc and Penny went to sit at the Ravenclaw table while I decided to stay with Daniel and Sebastian at the Slytherin table. I didn't want to sit at the Hufflepuff table today because I didn't know what would have happened and I didn't want to deal with it, I decided that I'd rather stick with the people who I knew I could trust and feel safe with instead of having to worry if I was going to get into another argument with Charles or not.

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