Even More Visitors

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"Are you okay Avery? You've barely left your room since our guests came, I'm starting to get worried," Remington said from the other side of the door.

I got up and opened the door. "That worries you?"

He scanned my facial features. "Yeah, and so does the silver color of your irises, why are you stressed?"

"Because we haven't been here to make her laugh, so she's stressed about being serious," Marc interrupted.

"What are you doing in my house?" I asked.

"You invited me remember? Anyway I come bearing in early Christmas gift," He told me, before revealing the animal carrier behind his back.

He set it on the floor, allowing me to open the carrier to let out the animal inside.

I looked up at his smiling face. "You got me a kitten?"

I picked the small creature up and out of the carrier, setting it on the floor immediately after. It was an all-black kitten with green eyes, and tied around it's neck was a blue ribbon.

"Thanks Marc," I said, looking back up at him again.

"Don't just thank me. Daniel helped choose, I was going to get you a grey cat but he told me you would probably like the black one better, it was known to be more loving than the grey," He explained.

"What are you going to name him?" Remington questioned.

"Ollie," I answered, barely even registering the name that I said.

Ollie was the name of the family cat years ago, he had died of old age before I started my first year at Hogwarts.

"Great, a new family cat!" He cheered.

I jokingly glared at him. "Who said I was going to share?"

Remington scooped up the kitten. "I did. Hey kitty."

I raised an eyebrow at my brother. "Are you going to stand in my doorway all day?"

"Right, I'll show the kitten to it's litter box for you," Remington said before leaving.

Marc looked at me. "You and your brother are very...similar. Anyway I heard that you have a visitor whose name starts with an 'S' and ends in 'ebastian' in the house currently."

"Yeah, by the way, where's Daniel?" I asked.

Marc looked back into the hallway. "Huh, I thought he'd be here by now. My aunt is probably forcing him to wear five layers of clothes before taking the short walk over here. She's a protective mother when it comes to the temperature outside."

"Well since you're here I guess that means Penny is not far behind," I told him, also peeking down the hallway.

"Great! The whole gang is going to be here, including Sebastian."

"You're still stuck on the Sebastian thing? Nothing has changed Marc, he's still avoiding me," I sighed.

He smirked. "Not if I can help it."

The surprised look I gave him made him laugh. "What do you think you're going to do?"

"I'm going to make it impossible for him to avoid you," He whispered. "It won't be that hard because you're stuck in the same house together but still, it will happen."

"Whatever, do you want to actually come into my room now?" I asked.

Marc walked out of the doorway and into my room, looking at everything. I scanned the room to make sure it was fully clean, once I was happy with the results I followed suit, sitting down on my bed.

Marc plopped himself down beside me. "What do you do for fun around here?"

"Read, play Wizard's Chess with Remington," I paused for a second, realizing something. "I have no idea what I do for fun, you must think I'm a really boring person at the moment."

"Nah, you're not boring. Now Daniel on the other hand, yeah he's really boring," He stated.

"Well that's not very nice," A voice said from the doorway.

We both turned to see Daniel in the doorway, Penny standing behind him. I motioned for the two to enter then greeted them a little more warmly than I did Marc.

"Oh so you give them hugs but you just ask me why I exist in your house?" Marc faked jealousy.

I walked over and hugged him. "Happy now?"

He hugged back before replying. "Ugh affection, disgusting."

I faked a sigh. "Nothing makes you happy anymore, I give up."

"No!" He cried out. "Come back Avery, don't leave me!"

"I'm gone for only a few minutes and this is what I come back to?" Of course my brother would return at the weirdest moment.

"How are you even surprised Remington? It's me and my friends we're talking about here," I pointed out.

He thought about it for a second before realizing I was right. "Anyway, mom wants you downstairs for dinner tonight, and she wants you to bring your friends. She said that staying cooped up in your room tonight is not an option."

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed.

I really didn't want to sit at an awkward family dinner with Sebastian or any of my friends to witness it, cause knowing my family they invited Charles and his parents over for dinner tonight too.

Family dinners were always awkward for my family no matter what. It is always difficult for us to all find a topic of discussion that we all knew we could participate in, and even if we did it left off with awkward silences causing us to hurry and either finish eating, or find a new thing to talk about.

No matter what they always ended in a disaster. I could only hope that this night in particular wouldn't be as bad or worse than they usually are.

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