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The weekend came and when it did I was still left questioning everything Titus and I talked about during our walk. Although I knew I wasn't going to have to wait long before he would show up trying to prove everything to me.

Did I want him to be right? Yes I did. Was it going to be easy for him to tell me if he is? Probably not.

My mind was still against everything that was said, my heart wanted to believe it but my mind was scared. Nobody has ever liked me before, I've always either been a friend or a freak that people avoid because of my eyes.

"There you are," Daniel's voice rang out through the silence.

Looking up from the tree I was under I gave him a small smile. "Hi Daniel."

He lowered himself onto the ground next to me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I sighed. "Just thinking."

"About what?" He asked.

I didn't answer, staring off into the distance.

"Hey," He nudged me with his shoulder. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

I nudged him back. "Would you believe me if I said yes?"

"No not really," Daniel answered as he shook his head.

I leaned my body forward and rested my head on my knees, still looking at him. "Then I guess you're just not going to believe me then."

"Tell me," He said, poking my side.

"No," I told him as I tried to back away so he wouldn't poke me again.

"Avery," He spoke my name in a warning tone, trying to get me to tell him before he started a full fledged poking attack.

I backed away to where I was sitting with my legs out in front of me, facing him as I used my arms behind my back to keep me sat up.

"No," I refused before sticking my tongue out at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, smiling. I knew what he was going to do next and before I could get up and run Daniel had pulled me closer to him and began poking my sides.

I struggled against his hold but when I finally broke free we were both laughing.

"You're mean," I told him.

He pointed to his self. "Me? Mean? Never."

I laid down on the grass. "Whatever, you're still mean."

The sound of someone jogging over to us made me whip my head to the source of the noise. Marc was making his way towards us.

"There you two are," He gasped, trying to catch his breath. "I've been looking all over for you."

I looked over to Daniel who just shrugged, seeming to act like he didn't know what was going on when something told me he clearly did.

"Let's get going then," Daniel pushed himself of the ground before holding his hand out to help me up.

I took his hand and stood up, dusting myself off before following Marc who was leading us to what I guessed was where the other three were.


Marc opened the door to reveal the room that we had to clean in detention.

"There she is," Titus said.

I looked at the table that Titus and Penny were sitting at, noticing we were missing one person. Sebastian.

I turned around as my eyes flickered between each of my friends. "What's going on?"

Titus gestured to our other friends. "You wanted more proof, and here they are."


Daniel, Marc, and Penny told me everything that Titus had told me before. Penny was the first one to tell me anything, talking about how they planned with Sebastian on that day of the Hogsmeade trip. She told me the only thing they didn't expect was Remington being there.

They told me everything that Titus told me with a little more detail, causing me to look over him with a surprised look.

"Do you believe me now?" Titus asked after everyone went quiet.

"I just find it hard to believe," I answered. "After all that you guys have said I still can't believe it."

The room slipped into a quiet, the only sounds were us breathing or Marc drumming his fingers on the table.

Everything that they have said proves how Sebastian feels. They even admitted that he helped in their attempt to set up a date between us.

"He can't, he doesn't like me," I denied.

First it was Penny. "Yes he does."

"Yeah he does," Marc agreed.

"You can't deny the truth," Titus chimed in.

"Yes he does, Avery," Daniel spoke up for the first time in awhile.

"Yes I do."

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