The First Day

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Avery's P.O.V:

I woke up to a busy dorm, I looked at all of the people I shared a room with and sighed at their fussing.

"What are you all complaining about?" I asked the girls as they ran around the room.

"We are trying to look nice for our first day back!" One of the girls exclaimed.

My eyes scanned the room, sure enough every single girl in the room was either doing their hair or applying make-up. As I watched all of them run around the room I decided it was time for me to get up and get ready.

Once I was dressed I waited for everybody in the dorm to finish getting ready before walking with all of them to breakfast.  When we sat down at the breakfast table I sat down in my usual spot, the left side of Charles.

"Hey you guys made it! One of our other housemates decided they wanted to start an 'Assign a Friend' thing for the Slytherin house," Charles told us as he handed me the parchment.

It read:

Assign a Friend Project:

My fellow Hufflepuffs, I would like to bring to your attention the lack of friendship that the Slytherins get. One of my only friends from the Slytherin house pointed out the lack of friendship and the hate that they receive and so I took it upon myself to change that. If you would like to be assigned a Slytherin that needs a friend please write your entire name on one of the lines below.

I grabbed my quill and ink, writing my name down on the line.  Avery Hazel Amity Harper. Once I wrote my name down I passed the parchment down the table, as soon as the parchment was out of my hands I looked over at the Slytherin table where they were passing some parchment as well.

I ate my food as the school schedule was being passed out and before I knew it we were being released to our first classes of the school year.

I walked with my fellow Hufflepuffs to each class then to lunch, which came faster than I expected. When we all arrived at our table they were passing around a new piece of parchment.

"What's this one for?" I asked Charles.

"This one, my currently curious teal eyed friend, is assigning us a Slytherin friend," he answered.

As soon as the parchment was passed to Charles he and I both looked for our names at the same time, it didn't take long to find mine.

Avery Hazel Amity Harper ~ Sebastian Noel Vincent Louis

"Who is Sebastian Louis?" I said aloud, asking no one in particular.

Amelia and a few of her female friends gasp. "You don't know who Sebastian is?"

"He comes from one of the most well-known Slytherin families," One of the girls said.

"He's also a sixth year Slytherin who is known to have many acquaintances in the Slytherin house," Amelia piped in. 

"By the way you didn't read the top of the page, it says we are going to meet our assigned friends in the Common Room before curfew tonight," Charles informed. "Now you don't have to worry about not knowing who Sebastian is."

I gave Charles a nod before turning to my food. I recognize the last name Louis from somewhere, I just can't remember exactly where or when I heard the name.

I began counting down the minutes until we could meet our assigned friends, I wanted to know if I have met this sixth year before or if it's just my mind saying that I have.


The day finally came to an end so all of the Hufflepuffs ran to our Common Room except for Charles and myself, we walked.

"Do you think this is actually going to go the way the person wanted it to?" I asked Charles.

He sighed. "I don't know if it will but, I know that we will try our hardest for it to go as planned."

We walked into the Common Room and immediately noticed how crowded it was, Hufflepuffs kept pulling Slytherins around to their assigned friends or pointing out different people if they are asked a name.

"I guess I'll see you later then?" Charles asked.

"Yeah if you can find me in this mass of people," I told him.

He laughed then walked off as he gave me a small goodbye wave.

I looked around the room then remembered how pointless it was, I have no clue who Sebastian is or what he looks like. I began doing something that would be more helpful instead, I walked up to some of my fellow Hufflepuffs and asked them if they knew where Sebastian Louis is.

"He's over there in the corner, talking with some of his friends," A seventh year pointed him out.

"Okay, thank you," I said before walking over to the corner that held Sebastian and his friends.

There were three of them standing at the corner talking but they quieted down as I arrived.

"Who are you looking for?" One of the boys asked. He had dirty blond hair and bright green eyes.

I looked between the three. "Sebastian Louis?"

The one in the middle stepped forward a bit. He had raven black hair and his eyes were a light shade of blue. He was the Slytherin boy from the train.

"That would be me, and you are?"

"Avery. Avery Harper," I told him.

"Well Avery, these are my-" He trailed off as he was looking for the right word to describe the two boys next to him.

"Friends, we're his friends," The third boy, a brunet with brown eyes answered for him.

"Right. Marc ," He gestured to the blond boy. "And Daniel."

"I would introduce you to my friend but he seems to have disappeared," I said, craning my neck and standing on my toes as I looked around the room.

"Oh don't worry about it," Marc started, "I'm sure you'll be able to introduce us later. Right Sebastian?"

Sebastian snapped out of whatever trance he was in while looking at the crowd. "Hm? Oh, yeah sure."

Sebastian walked off without a second glance, leaving his friends and myself behind.

"Don't worry he always does that," Marc told me.

"Yeah he does it to us all the time," Daniel informed.

I was confused. "But you guys are his friends, I don't understand why would he leave you guys behind?"

Marc shrugged. "We don't even know if we're actually his friends, he just agrees every time we say that we are. By the way did your eyes just change color?"

"Yeah they do that, they change with my emotions," I explained.

"Well if Sebastian doesn't want to hang out with her, I think we have a new friend that we've just made," Marc told Daniel as he put an arm around my shoulder. "By the way could you tell us all the colors your eyes change when you are having negative emotions? I want to be able to know when I need to commit a murder."

I let out a small laugh then proceeded to explain each and every color my eyes change to so my new friends would be informed of the least to most important mood changes.

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