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Looking down at the white dress I was wearing I couldn't help but feel nervous, it's not that I was regretting the idea of marrying Sebastian but it was the fear of my bad luck with white clothing.

"What's wrong Avery?" Nadia asked.

I messed with the skirt of my dress. "What if I stain it?"

She smiled, picking up the circlet that was to be the finishing touch and gently placing it on my head. "You won't stain your dress, I promise. I had the same fear right before I married your brother but after seeing him standing there waiting for me, all of my worries just drifted away."

Hearing her talk about her own wedding made me feel less nervous, she had been in my shoes once before and now she was going to be here with me as I went through my own wedding. With the idea that I knew everyone here in mind I realized, I don't need to be nervous because all of these people have known me for years.

A knock at the door to the room I was borrowing snapped me out of my thoughts, I kept forgetting that I wasn't at my own childhood home but instead I was at Sebastian's. The house was huge with enough rooms for me to be able to get ready separately from everyone else.

Penny opened the door. "It's almost time."

As she walked closer to Nadia and myself I realized that she was wearing heels. "Penny, even though you're wearing heels and I'm wearing flats I am still taller than you."

"Wait," Penny held out her hands in a stop position. "You're wearing flats?"

I nodded before lifting up the skirt of my dress to show her my shoes. "There's less of a chance for me to fall and embarrass myself if I'm wearing these."

Daniel's girlfriend, Lynn, opened the door and joined the group. "Avery, it's time."

"Your father is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs," Nadia informed. "We'll see you in the backyard."

With that the three bridesmaids left the room, hopefully collecting the fourth before they made their way downstairs. Lynn and her twin sister, May, were so excited when I asked them to be bridesmaids for the wedding, and they had helped so much. I was grateful that all four of those women were there when I needed them, especially while we were trying to get everything ready for today.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my bouquet of flowers and joining my father downstairs.

My father held out his arm. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready," I answered, taking his arm and moving forward.

As soon as Sebastian caught sight of me his reaction was priceless, he looked as if he couldn't believe that today was actually happening and I honestly felt the same.

Nadia told me that once she saw Remington all of her worries drifted away, suddenly I understood how she felt as I reached Sebastian and took his hands.

I barely heard a word of anything as Sebastian and I looked at each other with clear love and happiness, everything seemed to pass by so fast and all of a sudden the rings were exchanged and we were saying, "I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

Everything was settled and sealed with a kiss, I was no longer Avery Harper but now I was Avery Louis and I wouldn't change a thing.


After my first dance with Sebastian I danced with many other people including my Father, Father-in-Law, Brother-in-Law, Remington, Titus, Alec, Daniel, Marc, an uncle of mine that I haven't seen in years because he's been off working somewhere many miles away, and a few of my cousins. I danced and stood around so much that my feet were beginning to hurt so I found a place to sit and rest in a corner as the guests chatted with each other about the wedding and stories of when we were younger.

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