Field Trip

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I was walking through the hall, enjoying the freedom of the weekend when Penny ran up to me.

"Are you ready?" She asked, grabbing my shoulder so she could hold herself up as she caught her breath.

I racked my brain for any reason for me to be ready for anything but I couldn't. "For what exactly?"

"Didn't you hear?" She sighed. "Of course not, you can't trust Marc to tell anyone anything. There's a Hogsmeade trip today."


She grabbed my hand. "Yeah, come on let's go."

Penny dragged me to where everyone was gathering, going to where the other three were standing. It was kind of strange to see the three of them in their casual clothing, last time I saw them like that was during Christmas break but they still never ceased to surprise me. Marc was wearing a black Letterman jacket that had a green 'S' and black ripped jeans, his cousin on the other hand wore a black hoodie with just unripped black jeans. Sebastian took a less black pants approach with blue jeans and a--of course--black leather jacket.

Penny and I however took a less dark clothing look, her wearing blue leggings and a white hoodie, and I wearing a light green sweater with light blue ripped jeans.

The five of us began huddling up together, joking around and minding our own business before the Professors let us go off into the place everyone is always excited to visit.

As we walked into Hogsmeade Penny immediately grabbed my arm. "I'm taking Avery for a bit, see you losers later."

We walked past a few shops before choosing Honeydukes. The shop was surprisingly not packed with teenagers yet, just a few adults who dropped by the small Village with the occasional Hogwarts student.

"Looks like I've stumbled upon a troublemaker," An eerily familiar voice said.

I turned to see what was going on and was face-to-face with a familiar pair of color changing eyes.


"In the flesh," He answered, standing up straight and looking proud of himself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well you see, I'm here to do something," He responded.

I gave him a sideways glance. "Elaborate?"

He took a deep breath. "Well I hope you remember that I have a girlfriend, and I'm going to-"

"Shut up," I interrupted. "And you're going to do that right now."

He looked taken aback from my rude sounding interruption, so I grabbed his face and turned it in the direction of his girlfriend.


I smiled and waved at the new arrival, Nadia. I've never really talked to her but she always was nice when she visited.

"Hey Penny, do you think we should go find the guys now?" I called to the person behind me.

I quick sound of agreement allowed me to give the couple a quick hug before leaving the shop.

"Oh and good luck!"

Penny and I quickly walked out into the cool air, and towards the direction that we thought the others would be, the exact same direction that the Shrieking Shack was.

"There you two are," Daniel said as we arrived. "We thought you'd be here sooner."

"Sorry, we had a little run-in with my brother," I apologized.

Sebastian looked confused. "What are you apologizing about talking to your family? You see us every day, your brother is another story."

I shrugged. "I don't know why I do a lot of things, it just happens."

I suddenly shivered from a sharp breeze of freezing cold air, and I suddenly wished I had been more prepared for today. The air was bearable, but only when you didn't have cold breezes that felt like Jack Frost was breathing down your neck.

Sudden warmth fell around my shoulders, I looked down at them to see that a jacket was placed on them. I quickly looked for the owner to see that Sebastian was standing next to me, leather jacket-less.

"You're going to freeze out here now," I pointed out, trying to take off the jacket.

He didn't seem to think that was a problem because he fixed the jacket back onto my shoulders then held me in a hug.

"There, now neither of us will be cold."

I gave in, putting my arms in the proper place in the jacket before wrapping them around his torso.

I could have sworn I heard Marc squeal like a girl who got a stuffed animal from the guy she liked, but I couldn't question it because all of a sudden he was chasing Daniel for hitting him and Penny followed to make sure they didn't kill each other.

"Out of all of the people in the world I could have been related to, thank goodness it wasn't Marc," Sebastian said.

"Hey," I objected. "Marc is a great guy, he might be weird sometimes but he's always nice to people."

"Sometimes?" He questioned.

"Okay, all of the time," I admitted. "But still, I'm not wrong."

"No you're not," He went quiet for a second. "I just thought, we haven't been to the Three Broomsticks yet today."

I stepped out of our very long hug. "Shame on us."

"Shame on us," He agreed. "Well then, I guess we better get going."

"What about the others?" I asked.

"If they can't find us, that's their problem," He told me before grabbing my hand and leading the way to the Three Broomsticks.


As soon as we entered the Three Broomsticks Sebastian told me to find us a seat, seeing as the other three weren't here I just chose a two-chaired table in the corner.

Sebastian found the chosen seats very quickly and joined me, placing one of the two Butterbeers in front of me.

"I'll pay you back for this later," I told him, nodding at the drink in front of me.

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it, it doesn't bother me to spend money on someone I care about, so forget about the money."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "It doesn't cost much so it won't be hard to pay you back or anything."

He gently grabbed my hand that was laying on the table, successfully getting me to stop talking. "Exactly, it doesn't cost much so you don't need to pay me back."

I would have probably argued against it again but I got sidetracked by the fact that Sebastian was being extremely nice with no reason behind it.

"Are you okay, Avery?" Sebastian asked, looking concerned.

"Are you?" I responded. "I mean first it was the jacket, then it was everything else at the Shrieking Shack, and now you are literally holding my hand while we sit here drinking Butterbeer. Were you secretly mad at me and trying to make up for it or something? Cause I can tell you that your apology is completely unnecessary."

"Would you believe me if I told you I was trying to be a nicer friend?" He questioned, taking his hand off my own.

"Not when you put it like that," I answered.

"Fair enough, we'll just discuss this later because I can hear Marc coming in our direction," Sebastian told me.

Sure enough Marc, Daniel, and Penny had entered the building, and they were heading right towards us.

I didn't know what to do so I just acted like nothing weird had just happened and picked up conversation with all four of my friends who were with me today, enjoying the last bit of Hogsmeade before we had to return to Hogwarts.

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