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"So how'd it go?" Penny asked as we walked to to our next class.

I didn't know what she was talking about. "How did what go?"

She returned my confused look before she seemed to have realized something. "Oh I mean your time spent with Sebastian, you still have his jacket."

I stared at the jacket in my arms. "It was fine, a little bit weird because of his random amount of niceness but still, yesterday was fun. Also, I need to find him so I can give his jacket back, I forgot to give it back when we reached the castle again."

"Well I haven't seen him today, maybe you should ask Marc or Daniel to either return the jacket or tell you where he is," She said. "Anyways, let's get to Transfiguration before we're late."

"Okay," I agreed, the last thing I wanted at the moment was an angry teacher.


Homework was against me today, I walked towards the Library alone with all of my stuff that I needed to finish, hoping that somehow I could recall everything I was taught today.

I sat my stuff in the chair across from the seat I was going to sit in and draped the jacket on the back of it, leaving everything to sit there as I made my way to the other end of the table, sitting there with all of the books that I needed and a stack of papers that I had to finish before they were due.

"This is going to be a long day," I sighed to myself, picking up my quill as I started on the homework from my least favorite class, Potions.

My hand hurt from all of the writing, and I was pretty sure that most of what I wrote was incorrect but I was afraid to check, knowing that if I was I would have to rewrite the entire paper while the rest of my homework just sat there haunting me until I finished them.

As I reached for my Transfiguration homework I looked at the jacket across from me, wishing that Sebastian was in it's place and helping me like he did once before.

Just then I remembered what he said to me that night before I left to go to bed.

"Anytime," He replied. "And I mean it. If you ever need help, you can come to me."

I quickly jumped up and began looking for someone in the library that I knew could help me find Sebastian. The one and only, Daniel Marshall.

I walked through the giant shelves of books until I found Daniel at one of the tables, reading.

"Daniel," I called out, making sure not to disturb anyone else in the room.

He set down his book, turning to me. "What do you need, Avery?"

I looked down to see that his homework was already done, sitting in a nice pile waiting to be turned in on the due date. "I need help with my homework."

He sighed. "Which means I need to find Sebastian. I'd help you myself but I'm a horrible teacher, Sebastian is the one who could tutor anyone."

He stood up and walked off, telling me to go back to where I was sitting before I came and found him. I just did as I was told and waited to see if he would return with Sebastian.


Footsteps heading in my direction made me hopeful, but my hope all but disappeared when Daniel returned alone.

"Don't look so disappointed Avery, I'm just taking you to Sebastian instead," Daniel told me. "He's currently helping Marc so it's easier to just bring you there instead of moving that mess in here."

I quickly got all of my stuff organized and started leaving the library with Daniel. "Well where are we going?"

"The dorm room."

The rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence as we reached the entrance to the Common Room and then to the dorm room.

That's when we heard shouting and rushed into the room. Marc and Sebastian were shouting at each other, having an unnecessarily loud argument.

"Guys!" Daniel shouted, making me jump in surprise. He seemed to get their attention quite easily, most likely because Daniel really never yells at all. "We have a guest, now stop shouting."

With that the two looked at me, making me avoid eye contact. I've never been one who is calm in these kinds of awkward situations.

Daniel took the bag that I had awkwardly slung on one shoulder and began setting everything up on a table that I never knew was there before.

Marc walked over and flung an arm over my shoulders. "Sorry about that Avery, just trying to prove a point to little old Sebastian here."

"He's like...two inches taller than you," I pointed out.

Marc moved to where he had both of his hands on each of my shoulders and walked me to the seat Daniel had just pulled out. "Shhh I can still believe I'm taller, can't I?"

"Only if you want to be factually incorrect," Daniel bluntly stated. "I'm going back to the Library, see you idiots and Avery later."

When Daniel left the room it became quiet, making me squirm in my seat a little at the uncomfortable feeling.

"I-um I still have your jacket," I said to Sebastian, holding up the leather material.

He walked over and took the jacket back, ruffling my hair. "Now let's get to why you're actually here."

I looked at my papers on the table, finding my Transfiguration homework and placing it right in front of me. Sebastian leaned over my shoulder and looked at the work I had before pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.

"I just remembered I need to get a book from the library," Marc announced, grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"If he was just going to get a book then why did he?" I paused for a second. "You know what? I'm not going to even try to understand his logic, I just give up today."

"Well don't give up on everything just yet," Sebastian responded. "You still have some work to do."

I groaned, leaning my head back. "Don't remind me."

I sat back up and looked at my Transfiguration homework, reading what I had already wrote and trying to comprehend what I had learned in class just today.

Sebastian grabbed a leather-bound book and held it out to me. "It's notes that I've taken in class. This paper's not gonna write itself and you are clearly more confused about it than you want to be."

I took the journal and flipped through it, finding the notes for the subject and skimming through the neatly handwritten notes.

I sighed. "This is going to be a long night at the rate I'm getting things done."

"Well then let's get started, and I'll see if I can help shorten the time it'll take for your work to get done," Sebastian replied, scooting closer so he can what I was reading and writing down.

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