Train Ride

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The day we had to return to Hogwarts came faster than any of us wanted, especially since Sebastian started talking to me again and started hanging out with the rest of the group.

"You should totally become a teacher at Hogwarts," I told Remington, who was currently pushing my trolley.

"Why?" He asked as we stood in front of the wall of platforms nine and ten.

"Because you're good at working with people, and you'd make a cool teacher," I answered before running onto Platform 9 ¾.

"I'll take it into consideration," He replied after he joined me on the platform.

I held out my arms for a hug which I got immediately after. "Bye Remington, and tell mom and dad I said bye too."

"I will," He told me. "Love you Avie."

"Love you too Remy," I responded before taking my things and getting on to the train.

I found all of my friends sitting together so I quickly joined them before someone could take the last seat.

"Hey Avery," Charles greeted.

"Hey there Charlie," I replied, taking the seat between him and Penny.

"I don't understand why you two made me sit between you if you knew you were going to talk to each other the entire ride," Sebastian pointed out to Marc and Daniel.

"It's because if we get into an argument neither of us will want to accidentally hit you so we'll apologize to each other a little faster," Marc explained.

"I'll just ask him to hex you or something," Daniel said, causing Marc to scoot away from Sebastian as much as he could.

I giggled before I could stop myself which caught everyone's attention.

Marc had a look of mock betrayal. "You find my life being in danger funny? Who are you and what have you done with our Avery?"

"Since when did I become anybody's Avery?" I questioned.

"Since now," Penny said before grabbing me into a hug and hissing at the boys. "She's mine now, none of you can have her."

I sighed. "Great, now you've started a war Penny, thanks for that."

She gave me a huge grin. "You're welcome."

I slowly removed myself from her grip and reached into a bag that I had put down at my feet, passing out the gifts I didn't get the chance to give to them the other day.

"Well I can already tell this is a book," Penny held up her gift before opening it. "Oh look, I was right."

Without another word she began reading, no doubt going to tell me about it later.

I bought Charles, Daniel, and Marc some new gloves because all three of them play Quidditch. Charles was a Chaser, while the two cousins were Beaters, I would have gotten some for Sebastian who also played Quidditch as a Chaser but Daniel informed me that he already had new gloves whenever I mentioned buying him some.

"I almost forgot that I went up against you boys in Quidditch," Penny said looking up from her book. "I'm the seeker for Ravenclaw."

"I keep trying to get Avery to play Quidditch," Charles announced. "The entire team agrees she'd make an excellent Keeper."

"Well even if I wanted to play it's too late to join the team," I told him.

Charles seemed to know that I was going to say that. "Actually our Keeper said that he wants to quit and to find a replacement for him as soon as possible."

"You should at least try out for it, and if you don't like it they can choose the next person in line for it," Penny stated, not even bothering to look up anymore.

I shrugged. "I have nothing better to do after classes anyway so I'll do it."

Marc seemed excited about my trying out for replacing the Keeper. "Now if we just make one more friend who is a Chaser then we will have an entire Quidditch team!"

I laughed. "Calm down Marc, you're a little too excited about this. I am on an opposing team remember?"

"Oh right, anyway don't worry about us trying to purposely hit you with a Bludger like some people do and if you do get hit we are very sorry and we won't leave your side until you tell us to leave you alone at the Hospital Wing," He explained.

"We aren't even sure I'll be the Keeper, why are you so worried about these things right now?"

He shrugged. "Oh you know cause if you do, Hufflepuff and Slytherin have a match coming up."

"Aww he cares," I cooed, causing everyone to laugh.

Everyone began breaking off into there own conversations except Sebastian and Penny, Penny was still reading while Sebastian just seemed to be watching everybody else as we all talked, making no efforts to continue conversations no matter how hard I tried to get him to.

I ended up talking to Charles instead, who kept talking about Amelia. I was beginning to think there was more than just a friendship between the two. I didn't ask him about it though, knowing that the conversation would become awkward if I was wrong so I just sat and listened intently, saying things here and there to keep the conversation going.

Once we arrived at Hogwarts I was already wanting to go to sleep, Sebastian told everyone to go ahead and waited for me.

"Do you need me to carry you?" He offered, I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious.

"Nah, I'll make it."

I did make it at a very slow pace, Sebastian walking very patiently by my side as we walked to my dormitory.

"Goodnight Avery," He said once we reached the destination.

I yawned. "Night Seb."

Without another word I walked into the Hufflepuff dormitory and collapsed on my bed.

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