The Unexpected Guests

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It's been months, no words have been spoken between Sebastian and myself. Marc and Daniel have tried to convince him to stop avoiding me but it's been a hopeless cause.

The holidays have came and I've packed a suitcase, excited to go back home. I couldn't wait to return home to my parents.

"Avery, you coming?" Penny asked, standing up from her seat.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm coming."

I stood up and grabbed my things, wanting to get off the train as fast as possible. Marc and Daniel seemed to have the same idea because they were pushing past people, which cleared a path for Penny and myself.

Charles had already made his way off the train, standing with his parents and my own. I ran towards my family as fast as I possibly could with my suitcase slowing me down.

"There she is," My father said.

I pulled him and my mother into a small group hug. "I've missed you guys."

"We've missed you too Aves," My father told me, messing with my hair.

"Let's get going, I need to get the house ready for our guests," My mother announced, making me look towards her in confusion.

"Guests?" She grabbed my suitcase and started rolling it away, giving me no answer.

My father put his hand on my shoulder. "Your mother invited some of our childhood friends to come over and stay with us because their holiday plans were cancelled."

My mother, always the Hufflepuff. She always takes it upon herself to invite people over when their plans are ruined because she's always too busy to stop by for a visit, it makes her happy to make her friends happy, that's why nobody has ever said anything against it.

"So do I know these friends?" I asked my father as we followed my mother.

"I doubt it, you were around two-years-old whenever they last visited with their son," He answered.

I don't know why but something tells me that today is going to be an interesting day.


When we arrived at our house I quickly got into the rhythm of things and began to help my mother clean with barely any words spoken between us. My mother always said I had a gift of knowing what to do for people in their times of need.

"So how has Hogwarts been this year?" My mother asked.

I smiled. "It's been great actually, I've made some new friends."

A look of surprise flashed across her features before it was replaced with a smile. "That's amazing! What are their names?"

I laughed a little at her excitement. "Well there is Marc and Daniel, my two Slytherin friends, and a nice Ravenclaw girl named Penny."

"Aw Avery, I'm so proud of you! You made new friends!" She exclaimed. "Wait. You should invite them over so we can meet them! Oh I can't wait to meet these new friends of yours."

"Mom you might want to calm down, I think you're scaring Avery," A voice said.

I turned around and ran towards the newcomer. "Remy!"

My brother, Remington picked me up and spun me. "Hey there, Avie."

"When did you get back?" I asked as he set me down.

"A few minutes ago," He answered. "I was wondering why you weren't the one at the door like you usually are, but then I walked into the room and understood."

"I was not scaring Avery, Remington," My mother defended.

"The look on her face stated otherwise," He replied. "What could make you this excited anyway?"

"Many, many things. I thought you already knew this Remy," I started. "But to answer your question she wants me to invite my new friends over."

A look of confusion shot across his face. "I thought the Louis' were coming over this weekend."

Mother nodded. "They are, and the Knight family is coming to visit, and hopefully Avery's friends can too."

"Well, I'll help Avery with writing to her friends to invite them over," Remington told our mother as he grabbed my shoulders and began leading me towards the stairs.

When we walked into my room Remington plopped himself onto my bed as I went over to my desk to write the letters.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day that my little sister would actually be told to invite her friends over by our mother, I just thought you would only have Charles as a close friend and nobody else," He said.

"You and everybody else," I paused for a second. "Other than our parents and his, they always thought we'd become a couple."

Remington sat up. "Alright, enough talking about the crazy Hufflepuffs of the family, let's-"

"We're all Hufflepuffs Remy," I pointed out, interrupting him.

He gave me a look. "I know Avery, now let's write these letters so mom doesn't do it for you."


"No matter how many years go by as you two grow older you still look alike," Our mother said as she walked into my room to see Remington and I sitting on the floor playing Wizard's Chess.

She wasn't wrong, we both had light brown hair, we had similar facial features, we also both had similar personalities, and to top it all off our eyes did the exact same thing.

If we didn't bond over our love as siblings we certainly bonded over our similarities and eyes that change color because of our moods.

"Yeah we know, Dad usually follows up with "if Remington wasn't older than you, you two would be twins' as you both gawk at our similarities," I joked, waiting for Remington to finish his turn.

Mother didn't have a chance to respond because as soon as she attempted to get the first word out there was a knock at the door.

"We should probably follow her," I told Remington as we watched her run out of the room.

"Yeah, come on let's go," He said, standing up then holding out his hand to help me off the floor.

As we reached the living room our parents were greeting the guests so we joined them.

"Oh there you two are," Mother turned to the guests. "These are our two children, our son Remington, and our daughter Avery. Children, this is Vincent and Nicole Louis."

What my mother said next in her introductions went unheard by me because of a person who was standing in our living room, flanked on both sides by two other people.

That person was Sebastian Louis, and he and I just made direct eye contact.

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