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The five of us were all sitting outside by the Black Lake, Marc and Penny were currently trying to pry information out of Daniel.

"Come on Daniel, what's her name?" Marc asked. "We've seen you walking around with her so you can't say you don't know what we're talking about."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I piped up. "Seriously, what's going on?"

Penny put her hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Daniel here has a girl that he's refusing to tell us about."

Sebastian looked up from his journal. "I though the entire point of coming here was to study seeing as yesterday Marc made it to where we aren't allowed into the library for two whole weeks."

Sebastian was right, Marc had decided to prank someone in the library so our group got kicked out, we had to go do our detention in about another hour and none of us were happy about it.

"Oh come on," Marc threw his hands in the air. "This is more important than your homework Sebastian, don't get all grumpy."

I gave him a look. "I lost precious study time because you decided to put a stink bomb in someone's bag."

"But it was great!" He exclaimed.

Sebastian looked at his watch. "I wouldn't say the cause behind our detention in a little under an hour was great."

"Why did you guys take partial blame for it then?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Because we don't know what you'd do if we left you unsupervised, we're just here to make sure you don't get into any more trouble."

Marc knew he couldn't argue any more so he gave up on everything and went back to his notes, leaving the rest of us to do the same.

All I wanted to do right now was pass the time by working on my non-verbal spells before I had to go to the dreaded detention that was awaiting my friends and I.


The old caretaker, Filch was waiting for us with his cat, Mrs. Norris. I never really liked Mrs. Norris, her and Filch always creeped me out so I always made sure to never get in trouble and be out of bed past curfew.

Filch began talking, mostly talking about how we were a rotten group of kids before leading us to a room that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in centuries. "Your task will be to make this room spotless. If you don't finish tonight you'll continue cleaning each night until you are."

The five of us stepped into the room and Filch left slamming the door behind him, causing all of us to jump.

"It's so dark in here," Marc pointed out.

"Hang on," Penny said, moving to a candle hanging on the wall and lighting it with her wand then going down the line. "This ought to do it."

Daniel walked over to one of the shelves and ran a finger across it. "Even with magic this place is going to take forever to clean."

I sighed, dusting of a table really quickly before slipping off my robes to reveal an outfit underneath, placing the robes on the table and rolling up the sleeves of the shirt I had on and pulling my hair back.

I grabbed a broom and tossed it towards Daniel who easily caught it. "Guess we better get to work then."

"Wait you wear an entirely different outfit under your robes?" Marc asked.

I nodded. "On certain days I do, mostly because I get cold easily in a lot of our classes."

I picked up another broom and tossed it at Sebastian who began working immediately after he caught it.

I took my wand and waved it at the third broom which began sweeping by itself and walked over to the feather dusters, grabbing two and handing one to Penny.

"Sebastian, Daniel, you two have the obvious job of sweeping the floor, Penny, you and I will dust the shelves and tables, and Marc, you'll be dusting and polishing all of the stuff that is currently on the shelves," I ordered. "Use magic as much as you can with other things that need to be cleaned as you work on your own task so we're able to get everything done faster."

Without another word I waved my wand at a couple of the other feather dusters that were left for us and began working on the task at hand.


By the end of our detention we successfully had everything cleaned, the shelves were dusted, the items that belonged on the shelf were returned to their rightful places sparkling clean, the floor had been swept and mopped, there wasn't even a single cobweb left in the room. Filch looked surprised when he came to get us and saw that we had all collapsed on the floor of the unrecognizable newly cleaned room.

"You're getting better at non-verbal spells," Sebastian complemented as we all began walking back to our dorms.

A grin broke across my face. "Thanks, I've been practicing every day."

"Well the hard work has paid off," He ruffled my hair. "See you tomorrow Aves."

I gave him a quick hug. "Goodnight Seb."

I walked into my dorm room and collapsed onto my bed. Even though I was worn out from all of the work we had to do, the fact that I got to spend time with the people I care about made all of it worth it, and without a doubt I'd do it all over again just to spend more time with them.

Somehow detention went from a dreadful thing to something that wasn't so bad if you got to spend it with the right people.

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