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"So you're telling us that he was mad at you for not spending time with him because you spend time with us instead of waiting hours for him to show up so you can chat for two seconds before going to bed and not seeing each other for hours again the next day?" Penny summarized what I told her. "And now you're saying it's your fault?"

"Yeah," I answered, not missing a beat.

"I'm gonna kill him," Sebastian said, looking at Marc and Daniel. "I'm literally going to kill him."

"Mind if we help?" Daniel asked.

"Nobody is killing anyone," I said, looking between the four of them.

Marc raised an eyebrow at me. "You think you're going to stop us? It's four against one Avery, you won't win."

I glared at him. "You're not going to hurt anyone who doesn't deserve to be hurt."

Sebastian moved in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. "Avery, you need to realize that you've done nothing wrong. He's mad at you for no reason, you don't deserve to be blamed for the fact that he doesn't see the great friend that he is missing out on."

I grabbed his hands and moved them from my face, looking down at my lap, I don't know why he's been acting so caring to me, he's never treated anyone the way he's been treating me. It's confusing.

A groan of frustration came from his mouth and I looked up to see him standing, rubbing his face then running his fingers through his hair. "Can I talk with everyone outside please? Avery, you stay here."

I sighed, leaning back onto the bed and covering my face with my hands for a few seconds before returning my gaze to the ceiling. I was conflicted between believing Sebastian and the others or believing myself and Charles.


When the four returned to the room I was still staring at the ceiling, contemplating a lot of things like climbing on a broom and flying away from all of my problems forever, someone would probably catch me before I got too far though.

Penny plopped down on the bed with me, joining me in staring at the ceiling. "We aren't going to fight Charles."

I sat up, surprised at their decision. "Really?"

"Only because you don't want us too," Daniel spoke up. "If it wasn't for you he'd most likely be dead right now."

I knew he was right, all of them alone could be unstoppable forces, I could hardly imagine what it would be like if they were all going after someone together.

"Thanks guys," I said, thankful that they didn't hurt anybody.

"We just talked to him instead," Marc told me. "And boy did we want to fight him then, but we didn't."

"You-you did what now?" I asked, hoping that I heard wrong.

"Yeah so he should never be rude to you again," Penny declared.

Sebastian decided it was time to speak up. "If he is rude to you ever again you need to tell us, his large amount of friends won't be able to stop us."

Penny hugged me. "We love you Avery, and we're here when you need us."

I gave her a small squeeze to show that I understood before going over to Marc and Daniel and making a small group hug.

I went over to Sebastian and hugged him. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"For making sure that the others didn't kill Charles for me," I explained.

He rested his head on mine. "Anything for you Avery."


I sat on Sebastian's bed with the letter Charles gave me. Penny had grabbed that and a couple of belongings so I wouldn't have to worry about running into Charles or one of his friends tomorrow.

"Who's it from?" Marc asked.

I looked down at the letter. "It's from Remington."

Penny, who was currently laying on Daniel's bed because it was right across from Sebastian's, perked up. "Well go on, I want to hear the news."

I opened up the letter and cleared my throat. "Dear Avie, I bet you've already guessed what has happened. Nadia said yes! And when we were talking today she wanted you to be her Maid of Honor! Please write back as soon a possible, we want to hear your answer and I'd like to hear about how school is going for you. With love, Remy."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Marc cooed.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter, Penny shook her head a little at Marc as she laughed.

"I can't believe that Nadia was the one who mentioned me being in the wedding, I thought it would be Remy," I said as I reread the letter.

"Well are you going to write back?" Penny asked, nodding towards the letter in my hand.

I sighed looking down at the letter, I knew I was going to write back to tell them that I would be happy to be in their wedding but I didn't know what I'd tell Remington about how school is going. A simple solution would be to write two letters, one today saying I'll be in their wedding, and the other I'll write after I get everything fixed between Charles and I.

"Yeah I'll write back," I answered, just sitting there unmoving, staring at the letter in my hands.

Sebastian grabbed some parchment with a quill and ink. "Here, you're going to need this to actually get the letter written."

I took everything from him and moved to the table that they had in their room, sitting at it and staring at the paper.

I stared at it knowing that I didn't have to talk about my disagreement with Charles, but I still wondered what was going to happen between me and my childhood friend after this.

Picking up the quill and dipping it into the ink I began writing to my brother, only telling him a few things like how I would be honored to be in the wedding, how I was excited for him to be marrying the love of his life, and how I'm up to my eyes in homework and that I'm lucky to have such great friends who help me survive this year of school.

This year has certainly not been what I expected, homework included. I just hope that I'm able to at least be able to talk to Charles later without getting mad at the thought of what he said about my boys and my Penny.

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