The Mind Reader

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"Don't be so worried Avery, it's not like we said anything bad about him," Titus told me.

'Like that makes me feel any better,' I thought, noticing him smirk a little after I did so. He was in my mind again.

"How did you two even get to talking about Sebastian anyway?" Daniel asked me.

I looked to Titus then back to Daniel. "He was in the tree I was sitting under."

Sebastian looked confused. "Why were you in a tree?"

Titus shrugged. "I was bored, the tree was there, I climbed it. The real question is why was this lovely lady sitting under a tree alone when she has four perfectly good friends that could have kept her company?"

"Because they didn't know where I was," I spoke up. "You went through my mind, you should've known that."

"I did," He responded. "I just wanted to hear one of them actually say it."

Marc rolled his eyes. "You can be annoying sometimes, you know that?"

"All right now let's stop right there," I said, walking into the middle of the two. "I'd hate to lose two friends in the span of one month."

Everyone went silent at what I had said, Marc bowing his head a little while everyone just stood there awkwardly, especially Titus.

Sebastian was the first one to speak. "Why were you under the tree Avery?"

"I wanted peace and quiet but one of my roommates wasn't letting that happen," I answered, it was true at least.

He narrowed his eyes at Marc and Daniel. "Yeah, I know that feeling."

Marc looked up and narrowed his eyes back. "Don't get mad at us, you could have left like Avery did."

I sighed. "Can we stop arguing in the hallway and eat lunch now?"

"All in favor of Avery's idea raise their hand," Daniel said.

Everyone raised a hand and I began walking towards the Great Hall, knowing that the rest were following my lead.


"So he can read minds?" Penny repeated.

"Well it's a little bit more complicated then that but yeah, I can read minds," Titus answered.

She turned over to look at me. "Of course you make friends with a mind reader."

"Oh so we're officially friends now?" Titus turned to me. "Why didn't you say so Harper?"

I shrugged. "I wasn't aware of the fact that I'm supposed to be in charge of announcing friendships, Grey."

"Can we get back to studying?" Sebastian spoke up, sounding annoyed.

Everyone went quiet, looking at their notes. I guess we all noticed that Sebastian seemed to be in a bad mood and none of us wanted to make it worse.

I stood up and moved to the empty seat next to Sebastian, resting my head on my hand as I stared up at him. It didn't take long for him to look down at me.

"What?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why are you so grumpy?"

"I'm not," He denied.

I gave him a look that told him I knew he was lying and I waited, not saying a word. I watched as he broke eye contact and struggled to maintain his lying exterior until he gave up.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Just forget about it, studying is our top priority at the moment."

Knowing that it was hopeless to start the conversation of his bad mood up again, I looked down at my notes. Instead of studying the words in front of me I tried to think of the reason Sebastian would be in a bad mood and the only thing I could think of was Titus and his Legilimency.

Titus doesn't seem to be a bad person but I could understand why Sebastian wouldn't like the fact that someone can get into his mind, even I was left slightly uncomfortable at the idea that Titus had rummaged through my mind and found out everything.

Sebastian might just be grumpy with the idea that he might have to be near his cousin that he had probably distanced himself from due to my existence. I just have to hope that Titus won't pick through Sebastian's mind and memories and end up making him mad, I'd hate for anything to happen to either of them.

"Guys it's almost time to eat," Daniel announced.

My shoulders slumped at the idea of having to sit by myself again, and suddenly I didn't want to go to dinner anymore.

I stood up and grabbed my things, slowly following my friends but stopping at the Great Hall's doors.

"Avery, why have you stopped?" Sebastian gently asked.

"I'm not hungry, I think I'll just head to my Common Room," I answered. "Besides it's near the kitchen so if I end up getting hungry later I can get something."

Sebastian walked over and hugged me. "Penny knows how to get into your Common Room so we'll all stop by before curfew, okay?"

I hugged him back. "Okay."

As soon as he let me go I went directly to my Common Room and sat by the fireplace with Ollie, reading a book to pass the time and only leaving once to go to the kitchen to get a bowl of fresh fruit.


As soon as dinner was over Penny came into the Common Room, followed by the four boys.

"So this is the Hufflepuff Common Room," Titus said, taking it all in.

Everyone else was used to being in the Common Room and I had almost forgot that this was a new place for Titus. The round yellow and black room, the low ceiling, and all of the plants that either sit there or dance and wave make the atmosphere quite different compared to the other Common Rooms. Not to mention that everything in the room was made out of honey-colored wood for more of an earthy, badger feeling.

I glanced around the room. "Yeah, this is it."

He nodded his head. "I like it."

I gave him a smile as I set Ollie down off my lap, allowing him to head straight for another one of his favorite people. Sebastian.

Sebastian scooped Ollie up and sat down on the couch, looking at him. "I think your cat missed me."

"Because of you I'm beginning to think that he's no longer my cat," I replied.

I got up and sat next to Sebastian as everyone began taking their seats and getting comfortable, talking and joking around before curfew had to take them away for the rest of the night.

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