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"You two are such dorks," Penny said to Sebastian and I, who were both sitting on the floor.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're both fighting over the fairness of your game of Wizard's Chess every time one of you takes the other's piece," She answered, grabbing her book that she had laid off to the side and reading it again.

"I thought it was almost impossible to cheat at Wizard's Chess," Marc joined into the conversation.

"It is," Daniel replied. "They just like arguing with each other about it anyway."

Sebastian finished his turn before looking up at me. "What are they going on about?"

I shrugged. "All I know is that you've made a big mistake."

The two of us looked at the board as I finished my turn, and killed his queen.

He sighed. "That was my favorite piece too."

I rolled my eyes. "You've said that about every piece that I've taken out, from the pawns to the bishops. I'm sure you can find another favorite in the short amount of time you have left."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a guarantee that you're going to lose this game."

"Like I said," Penny gestured to us. "Dorks."

The next couple of moves were in silence, the only words spoken were just to tell our pieces where to go. Sebastian was defending his king very well until I finally got him surrounded.

"Checkmate," I said, looking up to see Sebastian's face as he sighed in defeat.

He held his hands up in surrender. "You win."

"Yeah Seb, that's what it means when someone says checkmate," I told him, speaking slowly as if I was talking to a young child.

"That's it," He said before moving towards me and poking my sides, tickling me.

The other three laughed when I squealed as I was trying to get way, but Sebastian wouldn't let me.

"Stop!" I begged, trying to catch a breath.

Sebastian shook his head. "Not until you promise to stop being mean."

I almost refused but I couldn't breath properly. "Okay I-I promise."

At once the poking and tickling stopped and I took in a deep breath of air, trying to make up for the span of time that I lacked oxygen.

"You," I breathed out. "Are one evil being."

He stood up and held out his hand to me. "Ah yes, but you still like spending time with me."

I grabbed his hand and he helped me off the floor. "I could leave now if I wanted to, just remember that."

"But you won't," He responded before taking out his wand and cleaning up the chess set.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "And what makes you think that?"

He gestured to the others. "You might not like me, but the other three are here too."

After he put his wand away I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso, looking directly up at him. "What makes you think I don't like you?"

He pretended to think about it. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you called me evil, you threatened to leave because of me."

I gave him an annoyed look and he started laughing, I let go of him and crossed my arms, trying to look disappointed in him, but I couldn't suppress the small smile that was making it's way to my face.

"She gave you the annoyed look, didn't she?" Daniel asked.

I threw my hands in the air. "What do you guys have against my annoyed look?"

"Nothing," Penny answered.

"It's just..." Marc trailed off. "How would you describe it Sebastian?"

He plopped down on his bed and thought about it. "It's just it looks like someone put a spiked collar on a kitten like Ollie and tried to convince everyone that they're a dangerous animal."

Ollie, who had currently been laying on the floor, jumped onto Sebastian's bed at the sound of his name.

"Before you attack Sebastian can I ask something?" Marc interrupted.

Everyone looked over at him as I answered. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Did anyone understand today's Potions homework?" He asked.

Penny sighed and got up to help her boyfriend, obviously hating the fact that she had to put her book down.

I decided that it wasn't worth it to fight Sebastian so I just laid down on the bed next to his as he laid with Ollie on his chest, I reached over to pet my cat when Sebastian grabbed my hand.

He looked over at me. "What do you think you're doing?"

"He's my cat," I argued.

Sebastian stuck his tongue out at me but released my hand, allowing me to pet my cat. We stayed there for awhile giving Ollie attention, until Ollie decided that he was done with us and walked away.

With all distractions gone I began to think about the past few day, thinking about how Charles just gave up on a friendship that he has had for years. I shook the thoughts from my head and tried to focus on something, anything else. So I turned to Sebastian, who was looking up at the ceiling.

He didn't notice me looking at him so I just studied his facial features, just looking at him kept my thoughts preoccupied from my original problem.

If it wasn't for the fact that I knew what he was like before we became friends I would have questioned why he didn't have a girlfriend. He must have caught the eye of some girl once, there's plenty of girls that spoke up about him when I asked who he was. Maybe they were just too intimidated by him to actually walk up and talk to him, he did used to have that dark and mysterious aura around him before he actually talked and became friends with me, now he actually smiles and has fun.

I was met with a pair of light blue eyes. "What are you thinking?"

I blinked a few times before realizing that I should probably answer Sebastian. "Nothing important."

He turned on his side to make facing me easier. "You seemed quite lost in thought, are you sure?"

I nodded. "I was just thinking too much about one thing so I tried to find something else to think about."

"So that required staring at me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It was either staring at you or thinking about how I lost my oldest friend and probably crying, which option would you prefer?"

Sebastian slid an arm underneath me and pulled me closer to him, my head resting under his chin. "I prefer the option that makes you happier."

I turned my head to where I could hear Sebastian's heartbeat, which seemed to be going faster than a normal heartbeat at the moment. I waved away any other reason it could be faster in my mind and just settled on the fact that he's probably not used to doing nice things and is worried that he's doing something wrong.

As his heartbeat slowed down to a normal pace my mind and body decided that it was time to sleep, so I just closed my eyes and was lulled to sleep by the sound of a steady heart thumping.

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