The Trio

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I was practically skipping down the hallways today, I couldn't wait till classes were over. Even though I wasn't going to be there while Marc and Penny were on their date I couldn't contain my excitement for them, something told me that it would actually go well.

"I swear nothing can get you to sit still today," Sebastian said, eating his breakfast.

I was currently sitting between him and Daniel at the Slytherin table, looking out of place with all the excitement coming off of me.

"With how bright your eyes are glowing we might need sunglasses to just look at you in a minute," Daniel teased.

"Too bad I don't have any with me," Sebastian joined in.

I rolled my eyes. "I knew I should have stayed at the Hufflepuff table today."

I pretended to get up but was quickly stopped by both of them, making me sit down again.

"Too bad, you're stuck with us," Marc told me, appearing out of nowhere as usual.

He placed a package on the table in front of me, staring me in the eyes with an excited look.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know why he was looking at me so weirdly.

"Open it," He gestured down at the package, waiting expectantly for me to do as I was told.

I gave him a weird look before leaning over and untying the package, I really wasn't expecting what I opened.

"I completely forgot about you saying you were getting me one," I blurted out as I stared at the Lightning Bolt 300 that laid in front of me. "Thanks Marc."

Marc grinned. "You're welcome, now let's get today over with so we can get to the main event of the evening."


I've never like how the days seemed to drag on whenever you wanted a certain time to come, whether it be only a few minutes or it's a few hours, time always seemed to be against you when you wanted it to go faster or slower.

Sadly for everyone in my circle of friends the day seemed to be moving slow, even Charles was having a slow and tiring day. With days like these I always wish I could find a way to help, but today I was unfortunately of no use because I had the same situation going on.

When I finally made it out of my last class my excitement had worn out, I just felt so tired and I wanted to go bed.

"Good luck Marc," I said, yawning before I patted him on the shoulder.

Daniel looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "How are you even standing upright?"

"With immense difficulty, I am barely awake but I have to keep my feet on the ground or else I'll fall over and just sleep on the floor."

Sebastian sighed. "Alright take care of Marc, I'll get Avery."

"Wait," Marc stopped him. "You don't know how to get into the Hufflepuff dorm do you?"

Sebastian shook his head. "No, but I do know the password to the Slytherin dorms and that's better than the hallway floor."

With one last farewell Sebastian just picked me up and carried me to the Slytherin dorms. While being carried I gave up on staying awake and just slipped away into the land of dreams.


I woke up to someone laying on me and whining about how I wouldn't get up, I instantly knew that it was Marc but I was confused for a second before I remembered.

I'm in the Slytherin dorms and that's how he got into the room to bother me.

It didn't last very long though because someone--I assume Daniel--hit him on the back of the head to make him stop.

"Leave her alone, she was sleeping peacefully until you came in," Daniel scolded.

My assumptions were correct, but I had to look at the situation in front of me so I sat up.

"What's going on?" I asked, rubbing my eyes before attempting to open them.

"Look what you've done Marc," Sebastian said from a chair on my left. "You've made her wake up."

He held his hands up in surrender. "Well I'm sorry I wanted her to hear the news."

I looked towards Sebastian. "What news?"

Not even looking up from his book Sebastian answered. "Marc's date with Penny went exceptionally well and they have another one set soon."

Sebastian's answer set a smile on my face. I thought it would go well yesterday, I'm just glad I was right.

"That's amazing!" I cheered, laughing as Marc's face lit up again.

I talked with the trio some more before I realized one super important detail that I was missing this morning.

"Guys where even are we at the moment?"

"Oh right," Daniel gestured to the room around us. "Welcome to our dorm room, the room is just the three of ours because the person that was supposed to be our dorm mate is scared of Sebastian."

I gave Sebastian a surprised look. "You scared off your fourth dorm mate? How is that even possible? You aren't really scary looking to me, I mean you were a little intimidating during our first encounter but now you're just...Sebastian."

"That was a very descriptive ending, Avery," He teased. "Anyway, I didn't mean to, I was just having a bad day and he just so happened to do something that made me snap at him. So now he's absolutely terrified of me."

"So you guys just have an extra bed now?" I asked.

"No he moved it into his friends dorm somehow, that's why I'm in the chair at the moment."

"Wait a second," I paused. "Did you sleep in that chair then?"

"Yeah," He shrugged. "It's no big deal."

I looked down at myself and sighed. "I still need to go change into new robes and get breakfast."

I quickly told them a 'see you later' before rushing out of the dorms and into my own where I could get ready for the day before heading off to breakfast.

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