A New Rule

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I was scared awake by something hitting me. Sitting up I discovered that I was hit with a pillow, the exact same pillow that Marc had in his hands right now, and the exact same one that had just made contact with Sebastian's face.

"Marc, I'm going to kill you," Sebastian said, he didn't even open his eyes but he still looked entirely done with Marc.

"How did you know it was me?" Marc asked.

Sebastian opened his eyes and sat up, raising an eyebrow at Marc. "Who else would it be?"

"It could have been Daniel, or Penny," He pointed out.

"It could have," Sebastian agreed. "But you're the only one with a history of waking people up by hitting them with pillows."

"True," He responded, throwing the pillow at Sebastian, who caught it with ease. "Breakfast is in a few minutes, you two better start getting it ready."


After I got ready for the day I headed into the Slytherin Common Room where everyone was waiting, as we began our walk down to the Great Hall I had made the last minute decision that I wanted to sit with Penny.

I hooked my arm with Penny's as we reached the Great Hall. "Would you be against the idea of me sitting with you for breakfast?"

She shook her head. "Nope, wave bye to the boys."

I turned to the other three and gave them a small wave as Penny pulled me along to where she sat and started up one of our favorite topics of discussion. Books.

We talked and talked until the Headmaster got everyone's attention for an announcement.

"It has been brought to my attention that there have been more students getting into trouble and fights this year," Dumbledore said, sounding like he was forced to make the announcement. "Due to this a new rule has been put in place that no students are allowed to sit at any table other than their own and they are not allowed to be in a different house dormitory after curfew."

Disappointed groans were heard around the room as people began moving back to the table assigned to their house but I couldn't move, I had went through all of the trouble of avoiding having to be reminded that my childhood friend hates me only for it to be for nothing because of a new rule.

"Avery I know what you're thinking," Penny spoke up. "Just don't sit near him and try to avoid his friends, he can't have that many."

"I think you might be underestimating the power of a Hufflepuff," I slowly stood up. "See you in class Penny."

I walked over to the very end of the Hufflepuff table and silently sat down, trying to make myself unnoticeable, which is quite hard to do at a table of Hufflepuffs, at least one of them knows your name or what you've been doing this past week.

I was lucky enough to only catch the person who was sitting at the edge's attention and they only responded by scooting over and making room for me, everyone else was too busy talking about how they felt about our brand new rule.


Classes were moving slower than I wanted them to and I thought the last class of the day was never going to arrive but once it ended I wanted to shout with joy but then I remembered the new rule and I instantly felt my happiness of the end of the day disappear.

I walked towards the Slytherin dormitories so I could get my stuff and move it back to my room in the Hufflepuff dorms, when I reached the hall where the entrance to the dorms were my eyes stumbled upon a lonely looking Sebastian sitting on the floor with a bag and a kitten.

He must have heard my footsteps because his head shot up. "Hey, Avery."

Ollie ran toward me and I scooped him up into my arms. "Hi."

"The other three are in the library," He told me, grabbing the bag. "We should join them after we get your stuff back in your dorm room."

I couldn't help but notice that he seemed a little disappointed at the fact that I had to move back to the Hufflepuff dormitories, but then again I wasn't happy about it either.

"I'm sorry Avery," Sebastian apologized out of nowhere.

I was confused. "What are you sorry for?"

"Everything," He answered. "If I didn't listen to Marc and Daniel about signing up for that stupid thing at the beginning of the year you wouldn't have to hate the idea of having to go back to your own dorm room."

"But if it weren't for you listening to Marc and Daniel I'd still be stuck with only having one friend who I barely got to talk to every day," I countered.

He looked down at me. "I think you could have easily made new friends."

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know because what's done is done, and even though I don't like the idea of having to live in the same area with someone who doesn't like me I'm still going to live there because I have to. I'll just try to keep my head up and show him that just because he's no longer my friend doesn't mean I can't be happy."

"You're a great person Avery, make sure no one lets you think otherwise."

I smiled up at him and took my bag as we reached the entrance to the Hufflepuff dorms. "Thanks Seb."

I quickly got inside the Common Room then proceeded to go towards the dorm room that I share with my fellow sixth years, placing my bag on my bed and setting Ollie down.

Without worrying I walked out of the room in less of a rush, knowing that no matter what could happen to me I always had four people who would be at my side ready to help at any time, day or night.

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