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As soon as I was dressed in my Quidditch uniform I joined the rest of my teammates where Alec was giving a speech.

"This is our last game," Alec started. "We're going up against our last opponents, the Gryffindor team. Now I want all of you to look around at your teammates, all seven of us have been through a lot with each other, but we've made it. Through hard work and communication we have made it this far and through hard work and communication we are going to go out there and show those Gryffindors that we are strong!"

I smiled up at our captain as everyone else cheered. Alec is always one of the best at delivering speeches, I think that's another reason that he makes such a great captain, other than being a great Seeker he's also a great leader.

I looked around at my teammates giving all of them a huge smile, even Charles. Despite having an argument with Charles even he deserved this proud moment before our game, I'd hate for anyone to miss out on the excitement.

Everyone began piling out of the room as we made our way to the Quidditch field, our nerves slowly creeping up to us as we made it to the green field that was waiting our arrival.


The game began with a start, we earned ten points within the first minute and we were still going strong.

Titus currently had the Quaffle and was coming straight towards me. Once he got close enough he paused and threw the Quaffle.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I flew towards the ball, catching it right before it went through the hoop, and throwing towards the first teammate I found.

"Oh come on Harper!" Titus shouted.

I flew back to the middle hoop. "Gotta try harder than that if you want to score Grey!"

Titus shook his head, turning around and flying off to try and get the Quaffle again. Only getting it after we scored.

As the game kept going the Gryffindor Chasers were having a hard time trying to score, their Beaters could barely keep up with the Bludgers that were heading towards their teammates and one of their Chasers had already hit the ground due to one of the Bludgers hitting their broom, destroying it in the process.

The Gryffindor boy that was knocked down got up and got another broom to continue the game, his performance not changed a bit as he tried to score. He would have succeeded if I didn't have a fast moving broom.


The game was 50-30 with Hufflepuff in the lead, I had gotten a bad luck streak and couldn't catch the Quaffle to save my life but now I was back and keeping strong.

I couldn't say the same thing for Tomas Wood, the Gryffindor Keeper, he seemed to be having a hard time. It was kind of sad to see because it was his last year and he wanted to win again before he left Hogwarts, but I couldn't let that get to me now, my teammates would be disappointed if I let us lose the game because it was someones last year.

I watched as my teammates scored again, and again, and again. They've practiced long and hard for this so I was glad to see that it was all working out for them.

I was hardly paying attention to the announcer but I was glad that I finally did.

"Alec Bell has caught the Snitch!" The announcer's voice boomed over the noises of the crowd. "Hufflepuff wins!"

I flew down to the ground and joined my teammates, starting up a group hug with Alec in the middle.

"You did it Alec!" Someone yelled as we broke the hug.

He shook his head. "We did it. I couldn't have done it without you guys, especially our Keeper over here."

He must have noticed that I barely get any attention from our other teammates and wanted to change it.

With an arm around my shoulder Alec looked down at me. "You did a great job up there Avery."

"Thanks Alec," I said as Titus walked over to our group.

"Harper," He greeted, watching as everyone backed away, probably expecting a fight.

I put my arm on his shoulder. "Now, what were you saying about Hufflepuff going down today?"

Titus rolled his eyes and tried to defend himself as I laughed.

Soon the rest of our friends joined us and I ran towards Sebastian who picked me up and spun me before setting me down.

"I knew you could do it," He told me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm pretty sure we all knew she could beat Titus," Penny said.

A giggle escaped me as I went to hug Penny. Then I switched to hugging Marc, and last but certainly not least, Daniel.

"I'm tired," I announced to my friends.

"Of course you are," Daniel replied. "You just beat the Gryffindor team, that takes a lot out of a person."

"I say we go eat then go back to our Dorm and take a long nap," Marc spoke up.

I pointed to Marc. "He has a great idea."


After we walked into the Dorm room I immediately laid down on Sebastian's bed, right next to Ollie.

"How did my cat get in your room?" I asked.

Sebastian shrugged. "I don't know, I just let it happen."

"Alright then," I grabbed one of the pillows on his bed and rested my head on it. "Wake me up when it's time to eat again."

"What if there's an emergency before then?" Marc asked.

"Shut up Marcus," Daniel said before I heard the thump of a pillow hitting someone.

The last thing I knew before falling asleep was that someone had covered me with a blanket, letting me sleep with warmth, peace, and quiet after spending a long time in the air with the loud crowd and the occasional gust of chill wind.

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