An Attempt To Be Friends

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I woke up this morning with one thing on my mind, how was I supposed to do my job of being Sebastian's friend?

Everybody seemed to either have the same problem as me or they were lucky and practically greeted with open arms by their new Slytherin pals.

I got dressed and ran to the common room where my familiar blond friend was waiting for me. "Charlie you don't have to wait for me."

"Actually I kind of do, you tend to wander off if I don't," He said.

"That was one time, we promised to never discuss this," I pointed out.

He was referring to the time I got lost in my first year because I wandered off, I didn't know where I was so I sat against the wall and waited for anyone to find me. I was not so lucky and instead of getting a student I got a professor who looked like he hated everyone. Long story short I got detention for getting lost because I was out of bed past curfew.

"Alright," He held up his hands in surrender. "Now come on let's get to breakfast."

"So who were you assigned?" I asked.

Charles looked into my currently teal eyes. "Some guy named Marc, nobody saw him in the common room though."

"I did," I told him. "Him and one other guy named Daniel stayed and talked to me after the guy I was assigned walked off without saying goodbye."

He furrowed his eyebrows "You mean the Daniel that Amelia was assigned to?"

"It's starting to seem like I made friends with people who were supposed to be your's and Amelia's while I should have been going after the person I was assigned," I told him.

He laughed. "No hard feelings from me or Amelia, at least you've gotten the chance to expand your friend group."

I sat down at our table when two people sat on either side of me. "Good morning Avery."

I looked at both of them. "Daniel, Marc. Shouldn't you two be at your own table?"

"Yeah we should," Marc started.

"But two Hufflepuffs took our spots so they could learn more about their new friends," Daniel finished.

"Are you two related or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're cousins," Marc answered.

"And neighbors," Daniel inputted.

Charles looked at the three of us. "I guess I'll find somewhere else to sit?"

I made Daniel scoot down. "Sit in between me and Marc, you were assigned him anyways."

Charles did as he was told, he sat down and introduced himself to Marc. It didn't take long for them to find a topic they were both interested in.

"Marc always gets excited when he gets the chance to get a new friend," Daniel explained. "Its gotten to the point where I'm not surprised that he has so many friends anymore."

"Hufflepuff parents?" I guessed.

He shook his head. "No actually, Hufflepuff grandmother. He always found ways to spend time with our grandmother though so it makes sense that you would think parent instead of a different kind of family member."

I continued to talk with Daniel until breakfast was over, I left to go to my classes  with Charles once it was.


"Is it just me or is Sebastian looking at you?" Charles asked.

We were currently sitting outside attempting to study but Charles apparently was refusing to help. I tried to be patient because I knew that it was the beginning of the school year so it would take awhile to get used to constant studying but I began to grow impatient.

"Charles. We're supposed to be studying," I pointed out.

He didn't turn to face me. "I know but it's kind of hard to study when someone is staring. And now he's walking in this direction with Daniel and Marc."

I looked in the direction he was looking, sure enough he was telling the truth. The three of them were walking in this direction and it was no doubt Marc and Daniel's idea.

"I see you've grown impatient with someone, Avery," Marc said, referring to my carrot orange eyes.

The three of them sat down, I looked at Sebastian and he seemed to be less than happy to be here.

"Yeah, Charlie had the idea of studying but now he's not going through with it," I sent Charles a look.

"Sorry," He apologized.

"Apology accepted. I turned to our newcomers. "Now why are you three here?"

"We told Sebastian that walking off without a goodbye after you first meet someone who wants to be your friend is not a proper greeting, so here we are and now Sebastian will take this opportunity to go on a walk with you by the Black Lake so he can get to know you," Daniel answered. "Right Sebastian?"

Sebastian looked between Daniel and I then nodded, standing up off the ground. He wordlessly held out a hand to help me up then began walking away.

"So," Sebastian paused. "Why did you sign up for the friend thing?"

I shrugged. "Probably because I only had one friend. You?"

"Marc and Daniel made me," He answered.

I sped up a bit so I was walking right next to him. "Have you been friends with those two for awhile then?"

"I guess. I mean I've known them since first year," He explained.

I noticed how he never actually said he was friends with the two, he just avoided the word entirely.

"Well, Sebastian," I started. "I think I would like to try being your friend."

He looked down at me. "And why would you try this?"

I returned the eye contact. "Because I feel the need to make a new friend, and you're the person I choose."

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