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After the conversation we had in the Great Hall I thought Sebastian and I had made progress in our slow forming friendship, but apparently it was a one time thing and everything he said was just because of the fact that he was upset because he went back to barely talking to me the next day.

He even went out of his way in attempts to avoid me whenever he could.

"Marc, what happened yesterday that made him so upset?" I asked.

"I think someone said something about you, I'm not actually sure though," He said. "You know, because he never really talks to us."

I must have had a shocked look on my face because Daniel tried to help explain, mostly because he actually listened in on the conversation that upset Sebastian.

"Marc is right, somebody did say some stuff about you. Don't worry though, Sebastian defended you and I'm pretty sure he almost attacked the person," He clarified.

I looked between Marc and Daniel. "Do either of you know why he's avoiding me?"

It got really quiet before Marc spoke up. "Just give him time, he always does this when somebody sees the real him. He avoids them until he can't anymore, then he goes up to them and asks them to forget about the entire thing."

"Well I'm not going to forget the entire thing," I told them. "But I will give him time until he decides he wants to talk to me again."

"You did help him though," Daniel pointed out. "You still are helping him too. I can't remember him ever smiling but you changed that, even if it was only once."

"How is it that I made him smile?" I asked.

Marc shrugged. "I don't know how you did it, but what I do know is that Sebastian cares about you so I doubt he would just ask you to forget about everything that happened."

"How long do you think he will avoid me?" I questioned.

"He avoided us for six months, but I think it won't last that long for you," Daniel answered.

I nodded my head, I can wait for Sebastian to stop avoiding me. Until he does, I'll just spend more time with my other friends as I wait.


It turned out that none of my friends had a clear schedule during the certain times that I would usually be spending bothering Sebastian, leaving me to have to do the one thing I never really had the courage to do. Try and make new friends without signing up for them.

I began walking towards the library, hoping to find either a place to study or someone to study with. Luck seemed to be on my side because when I arrived I noticed a blonde Ravenclaw girl sitting by herself at a table.

I silently hoped the conversation would go well as I walked towards her. "Hello?"

She looked up. "Hi?"

"Do you mind if I, uh," I motioned towards the chair across the table.

"Oh, yeah go ahead. I don't mind," She said, nodding towards the seat.

I took the chance to introduce myself. "I'm Avery, Avery Harper."

"Penelope Lux, but please call me anything other than Penelope," The girl begged.

"Okay then, Penny?" I offered.

Penny's ice blue eyes lit up, obviously happy with the name given.

I gave her a warm smile. "Thanks for letting me sit here by the way, I hope I didn't bother you."

She shook her head. "You aren't bothering me, it's actually nice to talk to someone for a change instead of just reading and studying by myself."

"I'm just glad you didn't tell me to leave, that would have made this interaction a lot more awkward," I told her.

"I know that feeling," Penny said. "By the way, why are you here by yourself? I thought that Hufflepuffs always traveled in groups of three or four."

I laughed a bit. "Yeah, I guess we usually do. Not me though, but that's probably because the three friends I have are currently busy. Charles, my only Hufflepuff friend, is always making new friends that he spends time with, and Marc and Daniel, my Slytherin friends, have things that they need to do. Usually I would be spending time with someone right now but he is currently avoiding me."

"Sounds like you need a friend who only really does two things after classes, a friend who also has classes with you but isn't in the same house," She stated.

"I can feel the not-so-subtle hint coming from you," I pointed out.

She shrugged. "I'm just saying."

"Well Penny, how do you feel about the idea of becoming my Ravenclaw friend?" I asked.

"Now you just need a Gryffindor then you'll have the whole set," She joked.

I laughed. "I'm going to take that as your yes."

Penny and I spent our entire time in the library just joking and getting to know each other, I explained my eyes to her and she surprisingly acted like Marc and Daniel about it, wanting to know the colors so she'd know when she needed to put up a fight.

I don't know what is with people and their urge to kill anyone who makes me upset but I guess it just comes with friendships nowadays.

Charles, Daniel, Marc, and Penny, my four friends. I met them in different ways, I grew up with Charles, I met Daniel and Marc while introducing myself to my assigned friend, and I met Penny at the library. All of them different, leaving me with one question.

What does it take to become friends with Sebastian Louis?

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