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The weekend came faster than expected and left me questioning if I actually wanted to get out of my bed in the morning. The answer was of course no, but I still got dressed for the day anyway, sitting down on my bed with Ollie reading, waiting until I was sure that all of my friends were awake.

I was at an intense part of my book when one of the other girls who I share my dorm room with got my attention with a question.

"Are you and Sebastian Louis dating?" She asked.

The question took me by surprise. "What?"

"You and Louis are dating right? I mean we've all seen the way he looks at you so you guys have to be a couple," She said.

I was really confused now. "What do you mean the way he looks at me?"

She looked at the other girls in the room then glanced back at me, repeating this movement a couple more times then returning her full attention back to me. "How do you not see it?"

I placed my bookmark in my book and set it off to the side, standing up. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about but if you'll excuse me I've got to meet up with my friends now. They're probably wondering where I am and I'd hate to keep them waiting."

Without waiting for another second to pass I exited the room and made my way outside the Hufflepuff dormitories, trying to find a place to relax at where nobody would ask me weird questions. I chose the Black Lake, not really knowing anywhere else to go, sitting under one of the trees and thinking.

There were so many questions running through my mind and most of them were because of my roommate's questions. She seemed very convinced that Sebastian and I were dating and I didn't know how to react, I didn't understand where she got the idea that we were. I mean, sure Sebastian was nicer to me than our other friends but that's mostly because we're closer and I know a little bit more about him than the rest, but the way she went on about how he looks at me was even more confusing.

"What did she mean?" I asked out loud.

"What did who mean?" A voice spoke from behind me.

I jumped up and walked around the tree, trying to find the person. I couldn't find anybody and was left even more confused than I was before.

"Look up," The voice called again.

I looked up to see a boy standing on one of the branches in the tree. "Who are you?"

He jumped down from the tree and grabbed my hand, bowing. "Titus Grey at your service."

"You're a Chaser on the Gryffindor team," I stated, recognizing the name.

He released my hand and stood up. "I am. Now who might you be?"

"Oh, I'm Avery, Avery Harper," I answered.

"Well Avery, it seems like you're having a bit of trouble. Would you like me to see if I could help?" He asked.

I looked this stranger in the eyes, noticing that his were a light grey. "And why, might I ask, are you so interested in my problems?"

He shrugged and ran his fingers through his black hair, looking around. "Well there's not much else I can do around here, all my friends are with their girlfriends right now and I've got to keep myself entertained somehow."

I leaned against the tree and crossed my arms. "Are you saying my problems are entertaining?"

"I'm not saying they're entertaining, I'm just saying that they aren't boring."

"Well your previous sentence said otherwise," I pointed out.

"Well," He paused, realizing I was right. "Whatever, do you want my help or not?"

I sighed, uncrossing my arms and beginning to walk as Titus kept pace beside me. "There's nothing that needs help, I've just got to work out a couple questions in my mind and try not to let them interfere with my life."

I just kept everything vague but true, I didn't want to overthink everything and change the way I treat Sebastian but I also didn't need to let this new person know everything going on in my mind.

"It's too late you know," He said randomly.

"Too late for what?" I asked stopping.

"Me not knowing everything going on in your mind, you've been near me for too long. I already know," He answered.

I was slightly freaked out and confused, leaning away from him. "How did you know I was-"

"I'm a Legilimens," He answered, interrupting my question. "Not my choice by the way, just like your eyes weren't yours."

I looked up at him. "People can be born a Legilimens?"

He nodded. "Not many, but there's a few of us. But anyway, you don't seem to want to talk about your little situation with my cousin so let's find something to do."

"Wait," I paused as Titus began walking away. "Did you just say cousin?"

He slowed down a little bit as I caught up with him. "Yeah, his mom and my dad are siblings. He absolutely hates when we come over and visit."

"Oh I wonder why, it's not like his cousin could poke around in his head any time that they wanted or something," I said.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I've learned from experience that if I ever hear any of his thoughts it's best to not mention them unless I feel like being slammed into a wall."

"He slammed you into a wall?" I asked, surprised.

"Believe it or not, before he became friends with you he was almost always in a bad mood," Titus began. "Now that he's met you he is a lot nicer, he even said hi to me a couple weeks ago."

We made our way back into the castle and were met face to face with four people, and all of them looked surprised to see me walking with someone else.

"Avery, where have you been?" Penny asked. "And who's the new guy."

"Titus," Sebastian greeted.

I walked over to where Penny was standing and quickly explained that Sebastian and Titus were related.

"Sebastian!" Titus shouted happily. "We were just talking about you."

Sebastian looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. "Really?"

I suddenly began to wish that Penny was taller than me so I could've been able to hide behind her because this is not a conversation I wanted to be a part of.

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