Meant To Be

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~Three years later~

You would think I would be used to not having to worry about going to school at the beginning of September by now but even after being out of school for two years I still have to remind myself that I'm twenty-years-old and have a job now.

As I made my way to the Three Broomsticks I was met by Madam Rosmerta at the door.

"You seem cheerful this morning," She pointed out.

I walked into the Pub. "My friends are coming to visit, I haven't seen most of them since the beginning of last month."

"Then why are you coming in to work?" She asked.

"Because this is my job?"

Madam Rosmerta shook her head. "Not today it isn't, you go on back home now Miss Harper, wait for your friends then spend your day off with them."


I jumped out of my chair in the living room when I heard a knock at the door, placing the book I was reading on the coffee table in front of me and rushing to open the door.

I was greeted by Sebastian holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop by today," I told him, taking the flowers and letting him come inside.

"I was going to be here earlier but then I remembered I saw that your flowers were dying yesterday so I stopped for a replacement," He explained, making his way into the living room.

I joined him on the couch, curling up next to him. "How was work?"

"Boring," He sighed. "What about you? How was the Three Broomsticks today?"

"You'd have to ask Madam Rosmerta, she gave me the day off," I said. "I came back home and started cleaning."

"Really?" Sebastian grabbed the book off the coffee table. "Cause it looks like you were reading."

I snatched the book from his hands. "I started reading once I found nothing else to clean. Look around you, there's not a single trace of dust in this room."

Sebastian slowly took the book back while bringing our faces closer, our foreheads touching. He moved to bring his lips closer to my own but stopped at the sound of another knock at the door.

He moved back to where our foreheads were touching and sighed. "I'll get it."

My eyelids fluttered open at the missing warmth of his closeness when he stood up. I watched as he placed the book back on the table and made his way to the door.

"Sebastian!" A voice greeted. "Wait, I thought this was Avery's house."

"Marc," Sebastian acknowledged. "You guys are at the right place, Avery is in the living room."

I stood up as my friends made their way into the house.

"Avery!" Marc shouted, rushing forward and yanking me into a hug. "It feels like it's been forever since I've last seen you."

As soon as Marc let me go I hugged Penny. "Your fiancé seems to be a little to excited, did you let him get some candy from Honeydukes before you came here?"

"Actually I was trying to calm him down by talking to him about our Wedding and making him bored," She replied.

"I think the only person that was bored because of that talk was me," Titus jumped into the conversation.

Penny and Titus kept up the conversation as I went to greet Daniel and his girlfriend.

"Has anyone heard from Alec?" I asked.

Penny nodded. "He said he was going to be a little late, he had a job interview or something."

"What happened to his old job?"

Titus was the one to answer. "The wand shop went out of business, everyone still goes to Ollivander's."

"Of course they do," Sebastian spoke up. "It's the most well known wand shop, we all got our wands at Ollivander's."

"Oh great, now the conversations are getting serious," I sighed. "I'm going into the kitchen, give a shout if you need anything."


Once Alec joined us we all ate then made our way back to the living room, talking about things we did in school and sharing funny or interesting stories about things that have happened at work or at home.

As soon as the night was over and everyone left I turned to Sebastian. "I'm glad they were able to come visit."

"Me too," He stood up and grabbed his jacket and my own. "Walk with me?"

The two of us walked out the door hand in hand, taking in the sights of Hogsmeade in the nighttime. Everything was absolutely calm and beautiful, and I wished every night would be exactly this one.

"Are we going anywhere or is this just a stroll?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

Sebastian raised our intertwined hands for a second to tap me on the nose. "Curiosity killed the cat."

"Ah but you forget my dear, the end to that phrase is 'but the satisfaction brought it back,'" I said with a smile.

"Be patient, love," He told me. "Just enjoy the walk."

Doing what I was told I enjoyed the sights around me. Hogsmeade was always an amazing place when we visited during our time at Hogwarts but once you live here everything is seen from a different perspective, you don't see it as a cool village, you see it as a beautiful and amazing home.

As we ventured to a little wooded area I noticed little lights, letting go of Sebastian's hand I walked into the lit up area and looked around at the soft glowing lights floating all around me.

Turning to Sebastian I grabbed his hands then slowly put my arms around the back of his neck. "What's all this about?"

"You," He answered.

Tilting my head to the side to show that I was waiting for a longer reason I waited.

Sebastian removed his hands that were currently on my waist, making me lower my hands from the back of his neck as he began to cup my face.

"Avery Hazel Amity Harper, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You have never given up on me and you've been there for me since the day we've met, so I need you to answer one question for me," He explained more as he took a step back, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box as he got down on one knee, he opened the box to reveal a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Sebastian," I was speechless, scrambling around in my brain looking for the words we both wanted to hear. "Yes, yes I will marry you."

Sebastian stood up and slid the ring onto it's rightful finger, cupping my face with his hands once again when he was finished.

"I love you," He said.

"I love you too."

Sebastian captured my lips with his own and suddenly I knew, no matter what happens we're in this together.

I met the greatest people in my life because of an Assign A Friend project, and now I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with the person I was assigned to.

I guess we were just meant to be.

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