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Silence. Absolute deafening silence.

I turned around to see Sebastian leaning against the wall by the door, sticking mostly to the shadows.

"Hi Sebastian," Titus greeted, breaking the silence.

"Titus," Sebastian acknowledged. "So this is why you guys were acting weird this morning?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Titus denied.

Sebastian gave him a long stern look, waiting in another uncomfortable silence.

Titus sighed. "Fine. Yes, but we weren't trying to act weird, that was all Marc's doing."

Marc opened his mouth to object but everyone looked over at him so he gave it a second thought, closing his mouth and waiting for the conversation to continue.

"Why?" Sebastian asked.

"Because you clearly weren't going to tell her anytime soon," Titus answered. "I heard you debating about it with yourself."

"Stay out of my head."

"Then stop overthinking," Titus gestured to me. "We've told her, and she's still here. Stop thinking that she'd never talk to you again if you told her and own up to your feeling Sebastian Noel Vincent Louis."

Penny stood up. "I think it'd be a good idea for us to leave Sebastian and Avery alone now."

Everyone stood up at Penny's words except me, all of them leaving the room for Sebastian and I to be alone in this uncomfortably empty room.

Sebastian took the seat across the table from me, staring down at the wood like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I could tell this was his chosen way to avoid eye contact.

There was no noise that I could hear other than the deafening sound of my heartbeat as my heart nervously pounded in my chest, if Sebastian could hear it he wasn't saying anything.

Each second felt like an eternity, the air seemed to get heavier by the second and it was hard to breathe. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Is it true?" I asked, my voice barely even a whisper.

Sebastian's eyes shut, he looked like the next words that were going to come out of his mouth were going to be painful. "Yes, it's true."

I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. My mind finally gave up, looking up at him again I noticed his eyes were open and I made direct eye contact.



We were both confused but I wanted to know. "Out of everyone, why me? You could have liked any other girl, but you like me. Why?"

Sebastian gave me a slightly surprised look. "Avery have you met yourself? You are an amazing person."

"There are plenty of amazing people," I said. "What has that got to do with anything?"

He got up and walked over to me, crouching down and taking my face in his hands. "Avery Harper, you are the kindest, most beautiful, amazing person I've ever met. If I had to go back to the day that I was forced to sign that Assign A Friend paper I wouldn't change a thing. You are special to me and if it weren't for you I'd never know what it felt like to care about someone other than a family member."

My heart began its heavy pounding again but it felt different, not nervous.

Sebastian moved his thumb across my cheek. "That's a new color."

I looked over his head and saw what he was talking about in the mirror that hung on the wall, my eyes were glowing, I could tell they were pink from this distance.

I slid out of my seat and pulled Sebastian into a hug, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

Sebastian whispered, and if I wasn't as close as I was now I probably never would have heard what he said. "I love you too."

I relaxed into the embrace for a little while longer until Sebastian pulled back, his hand reached for the necklace that he gave me for Christmas that I was currently wearing and he began messing with the forest green jewel. He looked like he wanted to say something but he was afraid to.

I grabbed the hand that was messing with the necklace. "What is it Seb?"

"I never properly asked," He answered.

Confusion struck for what felt like the hundredth time today. "Ask what?"

He took a deep breath. "Will you, Avery Harper, be my girlfriend?"

With a small smile I gave my answer. "Yes."

Before today I had gotten smiles from Sebastian but I had never seen the grin that he had on his face now. He had an adorable smile on his face at my response, he had never looked happier before.

He pulled me into another embrace, this time his face was buried into my neck as he mumbled. "You have no idea how happy I am."

Hugging a little tighter I replied. "That smile gave me an idea at least."


Sebastian and I walked to the Hufflepuff Common Room where we were greeted by our friends asking us questions.

"You two came in together so that has to mean something right?" Penny asked.

Daniel seemed to be the only one patiently waiting for answers, but Titus finally put an end to Marc and Penny's questions.

"Guys, you all remember that I am a Legilimens right?" Titus pointed out.

Marc turned around. "And?"

"They're together," He said. "Can we switch the topic of conversation now? Like how about we discuss how Avery and her Quidditch team are going down tomorrow."

"You wish," I replied, sitting down in one of the chairs. "You Gryffindor Chasers don't stand a chance against my Keeping skills."

"I doubt that, I can see in your mind remember?"

"Yes, you keep reminding us."

He waved off my response. "I'll know what you're planning."

"Oh so you are admitting that you're going to cheat tomorrow, I'm pretty sure our professors won't be happy to hear that," I pointed out.

He narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't."

I smiled innocently. "Oh but why not? I have four witnesses who are still upset because of their loss to the Gryffindor team, I'm sure they wouldn't be upset over Gryffindor's loss of a player."

"You can be evil sometimes," Titus said.

"Says the person who was planning on reading my mind to make it easier for him to win a game."

"Alright, fair enough."

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