Embarrassing Situations

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"Finished," I said, putting the last assignment into the pile and putting my head on the table.

"You're not planning on sleeping at the table are you?" Sebastian asked.

I looked up at him with slightly closed eyes. "I don't feel like getting up so I'll just stay here, wake me up in the morning."

Sebastian went silent for a second, I thought he had decided to leave me alone when in fact, that wasn't the case.

I felt myself being lifted out of the chair I was sitting in. "Sebastian, put me down."

"Okay," He set me down on a bed. "You can't get mad at me, I did what you told me to do."

I sighed. "I'm too tired to disagree with you."

"Good now just-"

"But I have a question," I interrupted. "Where are you going to sleep."

"That," He gave a quick tap on my nose. "Is nothing that you should be concerned about."

"You aren't sleeping in a chair again," I argued. "If I can't, you can't."

"Fine," He responded, plopping himself down at the foot of the bed. "Happy?"

I grabbed one of his two pillows on the bed and hit him in the face with it. "Now shut up and go to sleep."


I woke up to whispering, the urge to go back to sleep as strong but the urge to find out who was talking overpowered my want of sleep, so I sat up to see Daniel looking at Marc who was whispering really fast about something.

Daniel looked over at me, rolled his eyes at his cousin, then proceeded to hit him with a pillow.

"Good morning Avery," Daniel greeted, still slightly quiet.

I looked down near my feet and saw the reason why, Sebastian was still asleep at the foot of the bed, not an inch out of place from where he laid down last night.

I gave Daniel a small smile and a wave before looking over to Marc who had a huge smile on his face, I didn't know how to respond to Marc's look so I just settled with another small smile and a wave.

Daniel glanced over at Marc for a second before turning completely and giving him a look, I couldn't find a reason as to why he looked so annoyed with Marc but I couldn't really ask without fear that I would wake up Sebastian.

The two cousins, who seemed to have just had a silent argument between each other, stood up from their beds.

"We're just gonna go get breakfast," Marc whispered before hurrying out of the room with Daniel right behind him.

As soon as the two left the room was filled with a peaceful quiet, it was something I could have easily went back to sleep to if it wasn't for the fact that I always had trouble getting back to sleep after I wake up for the day.

"Why couldn't I have the ability to sleep at any time like Remington," I whispered to myself before looking down at Sebastian.

He looked peaceful and I could see a faint smile on his face. His hair was messy, I've only seen his hair in perfect shape except for two times, the first time I ever saw him, and today. The sight of him this way was something I'd never thought I would ever see, he was comfortable and unbothered by anything.

Sebastian stirred a little, causing some of his hair to fall in his face. Before I could even think about stopping myself I reached over and pushed it back, that's when Sebastian gently grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" He quietly asked, not even opening his eyes.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Your hair was in your face."

He opened one of his eyes to look at me for a second before shutting it again. "Staring are we?"

I took my hand back as I turned red from embarrassment. "N-No I wasn't staring, I just happened to notice it when I was looking around the room."


"How would you know if I was lying?" I asked.

He sighed then looked at me. "If it wasn't for the stutter and quick denial I can tell by the color of your eyes and the redness of your face."

I looked down and away at the floor, my eyes were no doubt a salmon color when he looked at me and I can feel the heat coming off of my face.

"Avery," He said.

I didn't answer, knowing that if I try to I'd just make it even more awkward and worse for myself.

He moved closer to where if I just looked down we would be making direct eye contact. "Avery look at me."

When I didn't look he sighed and reached up to where he was touching my face, making my face heat up even more.

I knew he wasn't going to stop bothering me until I looked at him so I slowly collected the small amount of courage that I could find and removed his hand from my cheek, looking him in the eyes.

"I thought everyone knew that it is rude to stare?" He teased.

I put my head in my hands, covering up my face. "Shut up Sebastian."

He sat up and tried to get me to look at him again. "Come on Avery. I won't tease you again, I promise."

I peaked through my hands at him. "You really promise?"

"Yeah I'll even let you..." He trailed off. "What's something that you want to do that could involve me?"

"I don't know, mess with your hair? It was quite soft," I answered, trying not to think about what I just said.

He shrugged. "Sure, if that's what you want."

I giggled slightly as Sebastian laid down again and let me mess with his soft, black hair that started the mess that I call this morning.

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