Questions and Answers

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For the past few days I had created a routine, I would wake up, go through the usual school day, then hang out with Sebastian. Meaning I sat or walked next to him as we barely talked at all.

I had a feeling he was hoping I would just give up this whole friendship thing but I refused, I wouldn't stop unless he told me in person.

I was currently walking beside him, I heard him sigh. "Well, if you want to be my..."


"Then you should know a few things about me, right?" He questioned.

"Favorite color?" I asked.

He thought about it for a second. "I actually don't know, I'll get back to you on that."

I smiled. "Does this mean you'll actually talk to me more?"

He looked at me. "Don't push it, I might not answer anymore questions if you do."

"Fine," I paused, thinking of a new question. "Favorite class?"

"None of them," He answered.

"Well this is going well," I said, frowning.

Sebastian stopped walking and looked down at me. "What's your favorite color?"

"Light blue, like the color of Forget-Me-Nots. They're my favorite flower," I answered, looking him in the eyes which coincidentally were the same color I was talking about.

We drifted into silence until I looked up again to see him still staring at me.

"What?" I asked. "Do I have something on my face? In my hair?"

"No, it's just your eyes," He pointed out.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What about them?"

He looked at my eyes. "What emotion is a dark green color?"

"When my eyes are Forest Green it means I'm happy," I explained.

He kept looking at my eyes, no doubt watching as they changed color. "Are they usually Forest Green?"

I shrugged. "Depends on the people I'm with or the activity I'm doing."

Sebastian looked down at the ground, clearly thinking about something. His eyes shifted back and forth like he was reading something off the ground, holding his middle with one arm as he messed with his lips with his other hand.

"Is everything okay?"

His head snapped up, looking me in the eyes again. "Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just trying to understand something."

"Do you think I might be able to-" I was cut off.

"No, I think I'm just gonna go," He interrupted, walking away right after.

"Great, now I scared him away," I said to myself.


I walked to the library, needing to study so I would be prepared for the worst. I had been alone for a long amount of time so I wasn't surprised when Marc and Daniel randomly appeared.

Marc put an arm around my shoulder. "What did you and Sebastian talk about today?"

I wrapped my arm around his torso. "Nothing really, but we did ask each other questions. Why?"

"Because he came to us asking a question," Daniel answered.

"A very strange question coming from him," Marc joined in.

I looked between the two of them. "You're going to make me ask aren't you?"

Marc nodded. 

I sighed. "What was the question?"

"He asked about all of the colors your eyes change and what they mean," Daniel told me.

"So what's the big deal?" I asked.

Marc's jaw dropped. "You don't know the big deal? Well our little Hufflepuff the big deal is that Sebastian has never, and I mean never asked about anyone before."

"That we know of," Daniel inputted.

"Shut up Daniel," Marc told him. "This is very important news for Avery, it means that Sebastian is trying to be her friend."

"Does it though?" I started. "People used to always ask about my eyes but now that they know they just don't care, except for a few people. Maybe he's just curious."

"No, I think Marc might be right. He seemed very determined to learn the different colors," Daniel said.

We walked into the library as Marc let me go so I could get everything set up for studying. The two kept telling me about how important Sebastian being curious was as I found the books that I needed.

I raised an eyebrow at the two cousins. "Are you two going to keep telling me the same things over again or are you going to sit down and study with me so I can help you with Herbology?"

Daniel listened to me and sat down, Marc on the other hand didn't. I took this as an opportunity to test Marc's ambition.

"Hey Marc," I got his attention. "I bet you can't sit here and study with me and Daniel."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "You, Avery Harper, dare challenge me?"

I smiled. "Yes, I do."

"You're on," He said, sitting down in the seat on the other side of me.

Daniel snorted. "I can't believe that actually worked."

I laughed a little too. "Me neither."

"Enough talk, more work," Marc demanded.

Neither Daniel nor myself disagreed to the idea of actually studying so we did what we were told. We all helped each other, I helped them with Herbology and they helped me with Potions, it was an easy deal and we didn't have to worry about returning any studying favors later.


I walked into the common room and saw Charles and Amelia fast asleep, their notes still in front of them. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see, they both usually fell asleep while studying if I didn't help keep them awake.

A small smile found it's way to my lips as I grabbed the throw blankets that were draped on the back of the sofas and gently covered the two, trying not to wake them.

I quietly organized their notes again before heading off to bed, knowing that they'll appreciate it in the morning.

Today had been an interesting day, I'm just hoping that what Marc and Daniel said was true. I just hoped that Sebastian was actually giving me a chance to be his friend.

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