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It only took two days of planning for our attempt to get Marc and Penny to go on a date. And when I say planning I mean I walked up to Penny, planning on spending some friend time, but ending up letting it slip that I wanted to set her up on a date.

Luckily she agreed, but she only agreed after I almost ran away and hid from the situation.

"What's got you so excited?" Sebastian asked, walking beside me in the hall.

My currently blue-green eyes had been basically glowing all morning. "I did it!"

Daniel appeared on the other side of me. "Did what?"

"I got Penny to agree to go on a date with Marc. It was accidental but still, I did it."

"I'm guessing she doesn't know it's with Marc," Daniel commented.

Sebastian looked over my head to Daniel. "Of course she doesn't, she would have never agreed if she did."

I slapped him on the arm, getting a surprised look in response.

"You two can joke all you want now, I'll just go hang out with nicer people."

"Avery wait!" Sebastian called out as I hurried to my class.


I sat in my Potions class, barely paying attention while working.

"You know if you put too much of the powder your potion will explode in your face," Penny said.

I shook my head, knocking myself out of my trance. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize to me," She waved it off. "Here I'll help you."

With that she practically tore me away from my potion and began explaining how to make it while also doing everything.

When class was over I hugged her. "Thanks for that in there."

"No problem, you just looked like you had a lot on your mind."

Which in truth I did, I began thinking over how I thought her date was going to go. Once I had gotten past all the optimistic ideas I began creeping down into the pessimistic side of the ideas, which mostly consisted of the date going terribly wrong and Marc ends up crying.

"Hello, Earth to Avery," Penny waved her hand in front of my face. "Geez woman, snap out of it."

I blinked out of it. "Sorry."

I just really didn't want Marc to cry, it'd make me upset too.

"Anyway, as I was saying," Penny paused to make sure I was listening. "I'll make sure to be ready for this date with an unnamed person tomorrow."

Excitement took over again before I realized, I needed Marc's help so I know what to do. So without a second thought I finished my conversation with Penny, making sure she knew I wasn't leaving because I thought she was a bad person or something.


"Marc!" I shouted.

"What!" He yelled back.

Everyone in the hallway looked at us like we were crazy, causing me to get severely embarrassed but I pushed through it until I reached Marc.

"Can we go to your Common Room to discuss something?" I asked when I reached him, trying to avoid the stares.

Marc took one look at my currently sky blue eyes and turned to the people in the hall that were staring at us.

"Don't you guys have something better to do?" He blurted out before turning back to me. "Yeah let's go, you're clearly uncomfortable."

"Thanks," I said as he walked me to the Slytherin Common Room, letting me in.

Sebastian and Daniel, who were sitting on the sofas before I walked in, stood up.

"Sit down mother hen," I told Daniel when he became really concerned. "I'm fine, just really awkward."

Once Daniel was back in his seat everyone else followed suit, myself sitting next to Sebastian as Marc sat across from us on another couch and Daniel sat in a chair on our left.

"So what's the big deal?" Marc asked.

Sebastian looked between us. "It's the one thing isn't it?"

"Of course it is, look at her face," Daniel pointed out. "Her eyes went from embarrassed sky blue color to the excited blue green, she can barely contain it."

"Penny may or may not have agreed to go on a date with a person," I said, waiting for Marc's reaction.

He looked as clueless as ever. "Who?"

Daniel and Sebastian gave him a 'really' look, letting it sink in long enough for him to actually realize what was going on.

Once it did he was jumping for joy, he would literally not sit down. I knew Marc was childish but right now he looked like a kid on Christmas when he actually got the toy he wanted.

"Don't get too excited," I told him, breaking him out of his celebration. "You have to plan when and where the date is going to be."

Marc's eyes were still sparkling with excitement as he began listing off ideas for what he thought would be a perfect date, letting the rest of us change things up to where it was truly the best first date for Marc and Penny.

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