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I took a deep breath, putting the back on the second pink pearl earring then taking a long look at myself in the full-length mirror. I was wearing a floor length, sleeveless pastel pink dress that flowed around gently as I walked, making every step I took seem light and gentle despite the fact that I was wearing heels that made me feel like I was going to fall with one wrong move.

There was a knock at the door, forcing me to walk over and unlock it so I could let the person behind the door in. Slowly opening the door I was met face to face with Sebastian.

"Need something?" I asked.

"I uh-yeah," He paused, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, Nadia sent me to bring you downstairs so she could see how you looked before the wedding began."

"Before we go down," I spun in a circle. "How do I look?"

"You look so beautiful that people will be speechless at the sight of you," He answered.

I felt my face heat up at his words as I took his arm, walking with him and hoping that I won't trip and make the situation more embarrassing for myself. As we made it down the stairs my mother was the first one to catch sight of Sebastian and I walking down the stairs.

"Oh, Avery," She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. "My baby is looking all grown up."

"Don't cry Mom," I said, hugging her. "I've still got one more year of school."

"Where's my Maid of Honor?" Nadia asked, excitement in her tone.

I backed away from my mother and turned towards Nadia. "Right here."

Taking my face in her hands she sighed. "You look so pretty Avery, I'm glad everything fits properly."

"Says the shining star of the evening," I said, backing up even more to get a better look at her dress. "You look amazing, I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they get a good look at you."

Her smile grew at my words, looking down at her dress and messing with the skirt. "Do you think Remington will like the dress?"

I took my soon-to-be Sister-in-law by the hand and led her to the full length mirror that we brought down to the living room for today, standing in front of it with her and fixing her pastel pink flower crown. "If I know my brother at all I know for a fact that the only thing that will matter to him tonight will be you, he loves you more than words could express. So yes, I think he'll absolutely adore you in that dress."


As the wedding began and we were all waiting for the bride to arrive I looked to Remington to see his reaction, it was priceless. Tears of happiness were welling up in his eyes as Nadia made her way down the aisle with her father.

Proud smiles and tears of joy were the only things visible in the crowd as the couple said their wedding vows and sealed everything with a kiss, making everyone cheer at the sight of the love shared between the two.

As we made our way to where the reception was being held I was joined by all of my friends.

"Told you we were all coming," Titus said.

"But you never told us you were going to look so pretty," Penny complimented.

I smiled at her compliment before noticing the music had started. "The first dance is starting! Let's go sit down before we bring too much attention to ourselves."

I quickly rushed to the table in the front and took my seat before watching the two newly weds dance. The song was nice and slow but it ended faster than expected, switching to the dances between parents, then to the dances between in-laws. Once all of those dances were over Remington walked up to me.

"I believe I owe my little sister a turn to dance," He told me, holding out a hand.

I shook my head. "You know I can't dance."

He grabbed my hand. "That's why you aren't leading. Come on Avery, I won't let you fall."


"I promise," He confirmed, helping me up and leading me to the center of the dance floor.

The dance started off well for me, meaning I didn't fall or step on Remington's toes, but I was still worried.

"Avie calm down and relax, you're as stiff as a board," He pointed out, turning me. "And boards aren't the best dancers."

Remington cracked a few more jokes and before I knew it I had danced properly for the first time without making a total fool of myself, and soon enough I was leaving the dance floor while more people were getting up to dance.

"Who knew that Avery Harper could dance?" Marc asked nobody in particular.

I laughed. "Believe me when I say I can't, I was just lucky that Remington kept his promise of not letting me fall."

Daniel nudged Sebastian. "Maybe you should give her some dancing lessons then."

"Yeah Sebastian, let's see you give her a few dancing lessons," Titus joined in.

Sebastian stood up and grabbed my hand leaning towards me so he could whisper. "Let's go to the other end of that crowd so we don't have to hear those idiots, shall we?"

"Be nice," I hissed.

"I'm trying, they're making it too difficult," He defended before leading me to the other end of the room.

"Were they picking on you because you can actually dance?" I asked, wanting to know the reason I was being led to the dance floor by my boyfriend.

He sighed placing a hand on my waist. "My parents insisted I take dancing lessons so I could woo a girl with my amazing dancing abilities."

"Let's hope I don't scare you away with mine," I replied, placing one of my hands on his shoulder and letting him take the other.

"You couldn't scare me away, you know you couldn't."

"Tell that to my two left feet."

Sebastian spun me around then pulled me back towards him as we continued dancing. "I don't know what two left feet you're talking about, you are better at dancing than you think. Trust me, I've had plenty of dancing partners to tell the good from the bad."

"Aren't you supposed to be giving me lessons right now?" I reminded him.

"No need," He responded. "You're already a natural."

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