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"He likes you, you know that right?"

My head whipped up to look at Titus, his words taking me by surprise. "What?"

"Come on," He said. "You can't be that clueless."

My surprised look changed with his words but never left my face. "Obviously I can."

He sighed, shaking his head. "Sebastian."

With one name he started reminding me of the girls in my dorm. Those girls seemed convinced we were a couple, and now Titus has joined them.

"What makes you so sure of that?" I asked, attempting to maintain eye contact. This walk around the Black Lake has trapped me into a conversation that I just wanted to be done with immediately.

He waves a hand up and down, gesturing to his self. "Hello, Legilimens here. Kind of hard to avoid hearing Sebastian's thoughts and seeing his happy little memories when they are strongly hanging around every time you two are in the same room."

The strange fluttering feeling of my heartbeat made me confused. I've never felt that before, and I don't know how to feel about it. The more I think the more confused I get, questioning everything I feel and why I feel it.

"You like him too. I know you do, I can easily tell," Titus spoke up, dragging me from my thoughts.

"How?" I wanted to know.

How did he actually know how I feel when even I don't know? How does he know everything going on in my mind and still is able to take everything he needs to know about the jumbled mess inside my brain and put all of the needed puzzle pieces together while the other pieces from different boxes block his way?

"I may only have began to get to know you but I know my cousin. Before you came into the picture nobody's face would ever light up when he entered a room like yours does, and he's always happier when he is about to enter a room that you are in," Titus began. "He may not show it but every time he is away from you he is always thinking about you. He's never felt like this about anyone ever before and I can tell that you haven't felt this way before either. You didn't notice it but last night in the Common Room I would see your eyes flicker to a different color for a second every time you looked at Sebastian."

I was confused again. "What color?"


Pink. The color that my eyes decided were the color they changed when I loved. They rarely changed that color anymore because I always loved someone, my friends, my family, but I guess this was a different type of love.

Platonic feelings of love were completely different than the ones a person feels towards the person that they have a crush on, or the person that they are dating, or married to. No, platonic feelings were way different than how I feel towards Sebastian, my heart and eyes know it, but my mind has yet to believe it.

Titus seemed disappointed that I didn't just accept everything immediately. "You need more proof don't you?"

I nodded, waiting for him to tell me at least a little bit more.

"Your Hogsmeade trip," He started. "You and Sebastian went to the Three Broomsticks alone after your other friends ran off, if you'll remember the weird feeling you felt when Sebastian took you there." He gently tapped the side of my head. "May I?"

I gave a quick nod of confirmation allowing him to get inside my head and resurface the memories of that day.

First it was the jacket, then the hug, and the refusing to let me pay him back for the drink.

"He was being incredibly nice that day," I recalled after Titus was done with showing me my memory.

"Oh Avery, you're adorably clueless."

"What is it now?" I asked.

"They were trying to do for you what you did for Marc and Penny," He explained. "They were trying to get you guys set up on a date, but it didn't seem to go well so they came and joined you two once they realized how clueless you were about the situation."

My mind refused his words once again even though my heart begged for me to listen. I shook my head, my mind taking over my heart.

"This is some kind of joke," I denied the feelings. "That wasn't an attempted set up, you're lying to me."

"You still don't believe me? After all of the evidence that has been shown to you?" He sounded disappointed. "Fine, if you don't believe me I'll find someone that you will believe."

Even though his words were gently said his retreating figure made me feel like he was angry at me. I couldn't blame him if he was mad, I would be mad at me too if I was in his shoes, I don't know why I always try to ruin something when it seems to be going good for me.

If what he was saying was actually true and Sebastian actually likes me I won't know what to do or how to react, no one has ever felt like that towards me before. All of this has been a new experience and I'm out of my comfort zone, can Titus really blame me for my denial of the feeling Sebastian could feel towards me after knowing that? Probably, but I doubt he would, he's nicer than that.

I slowly began heading back towards the school, making my way towards my Common Room where I'll sit by the fire and think back on the event that has just happened, questioning everything and most likely not taking the time to answer each question because I have too many running though my mind. Hopefully Titus will wait for another day to try and prove to me that what he says is true, giving me a little bit of time to try and prepare myself for something that nobody can prepare for.

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