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After awhile Sebastian sat up and looked at me. "You should probably go to your Common Room."

He was right, I still needed to get ready for today. Just because it was a weekend didn't mean I could slack off, I still needed needed to study for all of my classes, seeing as I had trouble recalling anything I was taught.

"Alright," I stood up and stretched my arms above my head. "See you and the others later."

Sebastian said a quick goodbye and then I was off to my Common Room.


I was sitting in the Common Room, freshly changed into a comfortable hoodie and shorts, studying my notes.

"There you are!" Charles exclaimed. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"You have?" I asked.

"Yeah," He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "Your owl dropped a letter for you in front of me because you weren't at breakfast."

"Oh," I took the letter from him. "Thanks for bringing it to me, I'll read it later. Right now is an attempted studying time."

He gave me a sideways look. "Attempted? How are you having trouble with work? You've always been the smartest."

"I don't know, I guess I've just been a little distracted lately," I answered honestly.

"It's those Slytherins isn't it?"

I whipped my head up in surprise. "What?"

"Oh come on Avery, you can't be that oblivious to it. They've changed you, you're not yourself anymore," Charles stated.

I was taken aback. "Not myself anymore? What are you saying Charles?"

"You're different Avery, you used to always sit in the Common Room and wait to say goodnight to me. Now when I arrive you're either asleep already or you aren't even here," He replied. "And don't think I haven't noticed the fact that sometimes you aren't even here at night, sleeping in someone else's dormitory."

"What are you implying Charles?"

"I'm just saying, you're not the Avery I remember."

I stood up. "Not the Avery you remember? I could say the same thing about you. You used to actually spend time with me but as we got older I saw less and less of you, I only signed up for this assign a friend thing because I was able to do two things. Help a person and have someone to spend time with."

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I'm talking about how I never was able to talk to you," I responded. "The only reason I sat in the Common Room to wait to tell you goodnight was because I had no friends other than you. You Charles, you were my only friend but I barely was able to talk to you because you were too busy for me."

He looked confused. "What does this have to do with you being changed by those three Slytherins?"

"Everything!" I shouted. "I am not changed for the worst, I am happy! I have four friends who would do anything for me and I would gladly do the same. Sure Marc is a handful sometimes, Daniel is sometimes an intimidatingly quiet person, Penny is a little bit crazy when she gets mad at something, and Sebastian has difficulties when it comes to being comfortable around us, but I love each and everyone of them. They have showed me what it's like to have someone who will be by your side at any time day or night, and I wish I could say the same for you."

I didn't stay long enough to hear Charles' response because I was out the door and on my way to the Slytherin Common Room without giving the idea of where to go a second thought.

Luck seemed to be against me at the moment because once I started walking into the hall where the Slytherin dorms were I ran into someone, falling straight onto the ground.

The person knelt down and put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I couldn't see their face due to the tears I was trying to hold back.

"Oh no, please don't cry," The girl begged.

"Addaline, what's going on out here?" A man asked.

"Marc!" She shouted. "Get over here and help me, she came out of nowhere and now she's about to cry."

I heard Marc's footsteps get closer. "Avery?"

"You know her?" The girl, Addaline asked.

"Yeah, she's my friend," Marc answered before kneeling down. "Avery, hold your arms out."

I did as I was told and soon I was off the cold floor.

I was surprised at how well I controlled my anger, although tears finally fell from my eyes, clearing my vision.

"Marc what's going on?" I recognized Daniel's voice.

"I don't know but I'm too weak and clumsy to carry her to the dorm," Marc replied, handing me off quickly.

Daniel carried me with ease, setting me down on one of the beds in their room before leaning down a bit and wiping away some of the escaped tears.

"Marc will be back here with Sebastian and Penny in a minute," He sat next to me then pulled me into a hug. "Just sit here and try and calm your breathing for a bit until then."

I did as I was told, trying to match my breathing with Daniel's which was going at a slow and steady pace.

"What happened?" Sebastian demanded from Daniel as the other three arrived.

"She hasn't said anything yet," Daniel answered before standing up and letting Sebastian take his place.

Sebastian lifted my face up and made eye contact with me. "What happened to you?"

I broke the eye contact almost immediately. "I got into a disagreement with Charles."

I could feel everyone in the room tense up with anger.

"Don't get mad at him," I objected, looked at all four of them. "It was my fault it even started in the first place."

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