Chapter 1

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I have to get out of here.

This is the last time I'm letting them poke and probe me with needles and wires. I'm done being their science experiment. I have already puked five times this week from whatever they put in my system and the week is only half way over. I also get a new rash every other week. Some days, I can't see straight and other days, I feel like I'm dying from whatever they did to me.

"Okay, Donghyuck. We're done for today. You may leave and return to your dorm. My assistant will be around in a bit to give you your nightly medication. Report back here tomorrow morning to start phase 2 of our research."

"Yes, sir." I bow to the lab technician before making my way out of the office.

As I walk through the halls to my room, I start sketching out my escape plan in my head. I think of all the ins and outs of this building and reconstruct the plan that I had been creating for a while now.

I have been in this laboratory for my entire life. I wasn't born here, though. My mother had me, but became too ill to take care of me and my father was never around, so I was adopted by the man who runs this dump. I really wish I knew my mother.

I became a science experiment when I was barely 2 years old. They created a serum that supposedly gives the receiver super powers and have been testing and observing me ever since.

It worked. I have powers, except I have no clue how to properly control them. The scientists only want to see how I react with them so they don't explain anything to me. At first, all it was was how I can use my powers, then they started injecting me with mystery liquids to increase my abilities that make me feel like my body is being electrocuted almost. I hate those days when they do that to me.

Actually, scratch that. I hate everyday. I hate this place. I don't know what the outside world is like. The population could be on the brink of extinction and I wouldn't know.

I make it to my room, seeing the security guard that always stands by my room at night to make sure I 'behave' as they say it.

"Hey, Jaebum."

Jaebum waves in response. He's the only person in this prison that I actually don't mind having around. I guess he's my only friend here.

"Can we play uno tonight?"

"Hyuck, you know they don't want you staying up late. Besides, aren't you tired of playing uno almost every night?"

I sigh, displaying sad, puppy eyes to him.

"Please? Pretty please? Today was a horrible day."

Jaebum sighs and looks around if anyone was near.

"Get ready for bed and I'll meet you back out here."

I fist pump the air and press my thumb on to my door's finger scan to unlock it, making my way into my room. Jaebum is like the big brother I never had. If I didn't have him here, I would surely lose my mind.

Once I have my pajamas on and my teeth brushed, I walk back over to my door and sit on the floor next to Jaebum as he does the same.

Our seating situation was me on the floor of my dorm room and Jaebum sitting opposite me, except he was in the hallway. I'm technically supposed to be in my room after hours, but they never said I couldn't interact with Jaebum. So this is our arrangement most nights, not always playing uno, sometimes just talking.


"Bummie, you cheater!"

I hesitantly place my next card on the middle discard pile, hoping he wouldn't be able to place his card down as well.

Except, much to my disappointment, he placed his card down with the biggest smirk on his face.

I groan loudly, "Not fair! You won the last two games! I say rematch. I want to win."

Jaebum shakes his head causing me to pout.

"Hyuckie, it's time for bed. You know the rules. I don't want to get yelled at because you slept in by accident."

"Jaebummmm," I whine out.

He simply gives me a sympathetic smile and shakes his head, "Goodnight, Donghyuck. Sleep well. Oh, and here's your night time medication, by the way." I grab it, unwillingly.

"You suck."

Jaebum chuckles and closes my door, leaving me to glare at my door. Why does he have to ruin the fun?

I walk over to the sink in my own bathroom and drop the pill down the drain. There is no way I am taking that. It gives me strange dreams.

I drag my feet to my bed, not feeling even an ounce of exhaustion. So, I lay down and just stare up at my blank ceiling.

My room is pretty small and boring. They don't really let me have any personal items. The room consists of the basic furniture necessities and all of it being one color: white. Nothing special. Actually, it's really boring.

On my days off, usually I get to go to the library where I can read and sometimes draw. I love drawing, it's the only thing I can do to keep me from dying of boredom.

They don't allow commotion here, so I've always kept quiet and to myself even when they try to make casual conversation with me. I only talk to Jaebum or unless I am to respond during my experiments.

I started feeling bad thinking about Jaebum. If I wanted to escape, that meant leaving a friend behind. I hope in the future we can find each other again. I hate knowing I'll lose someone who is as close as family.

The clock on the wall across from me ticks quietly, grabbing my attention.

Thirty more minutes.

I start to calculate the plan in my head to make sure everything is set and ready. This has to work. I can't mess up. This is my only chance. Everyone should be gone for the night except for the security team.

Thirty minutes goes by. This is it.

I get up from my bed and grab one of my plain black sweatshirts that I use to workout in, throwing it over my head. I make sure to grab my shoes as well.

Okay, first, the security cameras in the hall.

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