Chapter 17

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Okay wow I blinked and it got to 5k,,,,are y'all real? Like is there real people reading this or is it just bots to mess with me?

For most of the next day it ended up being me, Jaemin, Jeno, and Yangyang all hanging out in one of the gaming rooms. They convinced me to join them in playing Mario Kart.

I had heard about that game, but never got to experience it. Let me just say, it is the strangest, most addicting game ever. They also tried to get me to play a game called Overwatch, but I failed miserably and got way too frustrated with that.

"Wait, Haechannie, you have to use your item because then someone can steal it from you," Jeno announces to me. "It's a really good item trust me."

I glance at the box in the corner of my fraction of the screen and see a blue turtle shell. "What does a blue turtle shell do?"

"Wait, no. No! Haechan! Please, no! Don't use it. I thought we were best friends?!" Yangyang cries out.

"Oh my god, Haechan, please use it. You would be doing us all a favor," Jaemin tells me. I laugh awkwardly, still confused as to what the deal was with that item.

Thankfully, it's as if Jeno reads my mind. "If you use it, it will explode on top of Yangyang, or whoever is in first place."

"Haechan, I will give you my last ice cream if you spare me."

"Seriously, Yangyang? That was supposed to be mine! Traitor. Haechan, press the button, release the shell!"

Before I can actually make a decision, some computerized character races past me as a rocket and knocks the item out of my inventory.

"Oh," I say. "Wait, it's gone. Did that person take it from me?"

"You know what, that works for me. Thank you, Channie, for sparing me. I hope you like vanilla ice cream bars," Yangyang tells me, laughing as he drives past the finish line.

"Wow, another traitor I see. Haechan, I trusted you." Jaemin finishes as well, and throws his controller on the couch next to him.

"Wait, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-"

Jeno cuts me off, before I can finish my sentence. "Haechan, don't mind him. He's just being a whiny baby who can't handle losing."

"Yeah, and can't stand it when I give my last ice cream to my new favorite person."

I giggle at the arguing, but continue to keep to myself. I wonder what Mark is up to right now.

As soon as I thought of him, it was as if he read my mind because he walked in the room at that moment. "Mario Kart? Who's winning?"

"Not Jaemin, that's for sure."

The said boy throws a pillow at Yangyang for the remark. Jeno rolls his eyes and decides to leave and I giggle, continuing to watch the pillow fight happening.

"Channie, Taeyong needs you. You get to come sit in a meeting with us. Most of the time, it's only the older members plus me, since I help out with planning, but you are lucky today. It's honestly not that exciting to be truthful. I'll be there, though, so don't worry."

I nod and get up to follow behind Mark. Before I walk through the doorway to leave, Yangyang shouts after me. "Goodbye, my new favorite person ever, who is a lot cooler than Jaemin. I'll give you ice cream later!"

Mark shoots a questioning look towards me as we walk away. "Yangyang said if I didn't hit him with the blue shell in the game, he would give me his last ice cream. Jaemin wasn't too happy about it."

We laugh at the thought of Jaemin getting mad and finally arrive at the meeting room. It was an intense atmosphere.


My head shoots to the owner of the voice.

"Jaebum, oh my god I-I missed you."

I sprint over to him immediately and he encases me in a hug.

"How did you escape? How did you find this place? Do you have any idea of how much of an idiot you are? I almost lost my head because you escaped, but I'm also really really relieved that you're okay."

Taeyong interrupts, "Donghyuck? Your name is Donghyuck?! You lied to me?"

The blood rushes out of my face. How could I have forgotten? "No, Taeyong, please let me explain."

Jaehyun cuts in, "Tae, he has shown us all that he can be trusted. There is a reason why he kept it from us, my guess is that it was protection. Let him explain himself before getting riled up."

Jaebum looks at me confused, and almost as if there's a glint in his eye that says, "what have you been doing?" I ignore the weird feeling growing in my gut. That didn't seem normal, but maybe I'm imagining things.

"My name is Lee Donghyuck. I changed my name when I ran away because I didn't trust anyone. I thought they would find me right away if I gave out my real name. I didn't mean to lie to you I was just scared."

I watch the expression on Taeyong's face slowly morph into one of contemplation. He didn't say anything for a bit and that worried me, so I moved from my planted spot next to Jaebum and started to leave the room with my head hung low. I felt as if I didn't deserve to be in there at the moment.

"Haechan, or Donghyuck. Wait."

I almost didn't hear Taeyong's soft voice with how loud the anxiety was screaming in my mind. I froze, but didn't turn.

"You're wanted here at this meeting. We'll talk later, but for now, take a seat by Mark."

My feet immediately take me to Mark and I begin to feel a slight calmness envelop me.

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