Chapter 21

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Third Person POV

Jaebum chuckles humorlessly. A devilish smirk covers his face. "They paid me. I have to either kill him or bring him back. I get more if I bring back a dead body."

A whimper sounds next to Mark. "Wh-why?" Mark looks at him questioningly. Haechan gets up from his crouched position, shaking drastically.

"Why would you do that? I thought you were my family." Haechan was now standing in front of Jaebum.

"Donghyuck, look-"

"No, I'm not Donghyuck anymore. That's a dead name. You are not allowed to use that anymore. I forbid you."

Something inside Haechan snapped and as he was talking to Jaebum, something in his mind was physically controlling something he didn't realize was happening. Soon enough, blood streamed out in a single, thick line under Jaebum's nose and Jaebum looked as if he couldn't breathe. He began writhing in pain as he felt the unknown, invisible force pull through him.

"Haechan, enough." Jaehyun's soft words broke Haechan's mindset and the younger looked at the older with wide and frightened eyes. Realizing that he had done that to his old friend, he sprints away, somewhere far away in the house from everyone at the moment. He ends up locking himself in his bedroom and hiding in his deep closet.

Jaehyun has to physically pry his lover off of the poisoning culprit and it isn't an easy task. He sends soft words into Taeyong's ear about how he should leave the room and cool down, while he took care of the situation. The older complies, but not without hesitation at first.

As soon as Taeyong leaves, and he's sure no one else is in the room, Jaehyun turns to Jaebum, taking Taeyong's previous position, temporarily. His smirk slowly drops as he sees the look on Jaehyun's face. It's as if fire and darkness grew inside of his eyes in that moment.

"Listen, and listen very closely," Jaehyun begins, his voice low and deadly sounding. "You are going to walk out of that front door with everything you came here with, and you are going to keep going as far as possible. You will not return here or anywhere near here. If you do decide to make an appearance in the near vicinity of Haechan, I will not hesitate to stop Taeyong in the future."

Jaehyun's voice felt cold and terrifying, and Jaebum gulped visibly at that. It was as if Jaehyun was no longer Jaehyun in that moment, but rather a demonic being that had someone mess with what's theirs.

It didn't take long for Jaebum to scramble out the door as quickly as he could. Jaehyun sighed in relief, tension leaving his body slightly. He decided on looking for his boyfriend after that.

Haechan's POV

I think I ended up falling asleep because I found myself curled up in my bed when I woke up the next day.

Events from the day before filled my brain as everything came back to me. Sadness was all I felt right now. That, and anxiety.

How could he betray me like that? Betray my trust? I thought I could always count on him. Did the lab get to him? Are they brainwashing him?! I bet they are. That's not the Jaebum I know.

A knock on my bedroom door sounded through my thoughts, but my heart started beating drastically. Who's behind the door? Was it Jaebum attempting to kill me? Was it someone else who wanted my head on a platter?

"Channie?" A soft voice whispers from behind the door. I don't answer, nor do I get up to open the door.

The anxiety of everything brews up a storm in me at the moment and I felt the walls closing in on themselves. My breathing became shallow and quickened, while my heart beat could be heard in my ears with how loud it was. Nothing seemed stable and clear, as I felt lightheaded and nauseous. Why was this happening to me?

The owner of the voice didn't press any further and I assumed they parted from my closed door. The anxiety in me still going strong as I attempt to stop it, with no avail. It didn't work, though, so I decided to push through it and try to take a nap. Maybe when I wake up I'll have a clear mind.

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