Chapter 14

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"That lab is actually run by an infamous and notorious gang. Probably one of the worst in all of Asia. They're despicable and have dangerous intentions. You were their secret weapon."

My heart drops after hearing that. The one who adopted me must have been the gang leader. I should have known something awful was going on. I mean they did dehumanize me and turn me into something that shouldn't exist.

"I-I don't know what to say. So, a dangerous gang is after me? What do I do now? I'm so sorry that I'm practically leading them to you. I didn't even realize the catastrophe this would cause," I pause for a moment, "Taeyong, I'm scared."

He shoots a look of sympathy to me. "It's not your fault Haechan. You did what anyone would try to do: escape. I'm actually really glad you found us, not just because you could be very helpful here, but my gang is known for being a collection of renegades and outcasts. We protect each other here. Mark and Jaehyun saw something in you when they brought you along. I trust them with my life. So, if they say you belong here, then I believe it, and those that belong here will be kept safe so long as I'm leader."

At the end of his words, I can feel myself crying a bit. A small sob chokes out as the emotion of everything going on begins to overwhelm me. I got lucky when I found Taeyong's gang. I needed to hide and keep myself safe when I ran away. I ended up finding the right place for that.

Taeyong gets up from his seat and slowly approaches my side, immediately pulling me into a comforting hug. He whispers soft nothings in my ear, helping the chaotic feeling inside me die down.

"I promise you everything will be okay. I can't promise that they will be defeated, but I can promise you safety."

We stay in silence for a bit before he tells me I should get ready for bed and head to sleep. The fatigue began to really drag me down as I leave the office and make my way upstairs.

The second floor of the house was silent, as everyone was either asleep or out for the evening. I get dressed in a pair of pajamas I find and walk over to my bed.

There was a small feeling floating inside me that stopped me before I got under the covers. It felt like loneliness and for the first time ever, it felt weird to sleep alone.

I quietly make my way to the bedroom door and sneak out to the hall, finding the entrance to a certain boy's room.

I softly knock on the door and a tired looking Mark peeks his head out. "Haechan," he says, a smile brightens up his face. "What are you doing here? It's late."

I hesitate, "Um, do you mind if we maybe cuddled? I'm not able to sleep."

He immediately nods his head before opening his bedroom door wider to let me in. He goes ahead first and falls into his bed, opening his arms wide to cuddle me. I don't hesitate to get in after him and I instantly feel warm. This was definitely a good antidote to the loneliness I felt earlier.

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