Chapter 23

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The hazy feeling of returning to consciousness from a dream is always disappointing, as usually my dreams are too good to leave. I'm always trying to hold on to the dream as long as possible, but my brain decides that the real world is more important.

Today, however, my brain decided to cut my dream off earlier than usual. It was almost as if it was a warning sign that something was wrong.

An overpowering, fumy smell entered my nose. That wasn't normal. Was someone cooking something and forgot to turn off the oven or stove?

I open my eyes and jolt up to the sight of Mark's room filled with the remnants of a dark smoke. My hands immediately reach to Mark's body to wake him up.

He hums out a response, still half asleep. "Mark, you need to wake up now. There's smoke."

Once the words hit him, he shoots up, glancing around the room like a deer in the headlights. "What's going on? We need to wake everyone up."

I nod my head and follow him out of the bed. He stops a moment to look for something in his dresser before stepping towards the door. He felt the handle to see if it was hot and then proceeded to the hallway once it was clear.

It didn't seem like anyone else was awake which is strange because the scent of this smoke was filled with a putrid stench that wasn't normal for just a regular fire.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP, EVERYONE. FIRE. FIRE." Mark starts banging on doors to get everyone's attention and I join him. The smoke seemed to get thicker causing me to have a coughing attack. We need to get out of here.

"Channie, go outside, you're not well. I'll handle the rest and get everyone else."

I don't bother arguing and head down the hall towards the exit. I'm glad I finally memorized all of the hallways otherwise this would make things difficult.

Once I reach the front entrance, I notice some of the near by windows were broken. Someone had thrown something at the windows and that thing caused the fire.

I quickly cover half of my face with my shirt before venturing into the room next to me. On the ground was a couple of small zippo lighters and a rock with a paper wrapped around it. Grabbing the rock, I quickly make my way outside while everyone else takes care of the fire.

Smoke had filled my lungs quickly and it was now setting in how badly I couldn't breathe. That triggered an anxious feeling in me. I notice some of the Dreamies approaching me and I sink to the ground after losing strength in my legs.

"Haechan, are you okay? They're all focusing on getting the fire out, but they told us to check on you." I weakly smile at Renjun in response, as Jisung, Chenle, and Jeno sit down beside me.

"I found this," I pause to take a breath of fresh air. "It was in the front sitting room. I didn't get a chance to look at it though."

Jisung immediately grabs it from me and starts to unwrap the paper that encased the rock. "What's it say?" Chenle asks, impatiently.

"'This was a warning. Hand over the boy or you lose more than your precious house. Found you, Donghyuck. Dad.' Wait, your dad? I thought you didn't have parents?" Jisung asks after reading the note's contents.

Dad. Shit. No no no no no. This can't be happening. How did he find me?!



"Renjun, guys, are you alright? The fire is out finally, but the smoke is still pretty dense," Jaehyun announces, as he leaves the house. He notices the look on my face, as I probably looked like I had seen a ghost.

"Haechan? You okay?"

"Jaehyun, you need to see this note that Haechan found. It was wrapped around a rock that he noticed in the sitting room." Renjun hands the note that Jisung was holding to Jaehyun. He immediately reads it over, before looking back at me.

"He found you. Shit. Okay, I'm going to show this to Taeyong and we'll figure-"

"Show me what?" We all whip our heads to find Taeyong walking out of the house with black soot all over his face and clothes.

He grabs the note from Jaehyun's outstretched hand and reads it.

The thought of my dad finding me really terrifies me. I hadn't really interacted with him much back at the lab, in fact, he never really showed up unless it was important meetings. He never really said much to me except stuff like, 'you're going to be really powerful for me one day' and that always scared me. What was he planning? Was I really becoming a secret weapon for them? Why would he be so cruel to his own son? Well, adopted son, at least.

A tear slides down my face and I quickly wipe it away. I wasn't going to let him get to me like that.

"Don't worry, Haechan. We won't let him get you. You're safe with us. We will fight for you with everything we have because you belong here and with us. Trust me."

And I do. I trust him. Taeyong has proved himself that he can keep me safe. As well as everyone else here.

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