Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hi, I'm Genesis and thanks for wanting to read Along For The Ride! Please note that when I first came up with this story idea, it was when I was twelve. That being said, I apologize in advance if there are any grammar mistakes. I am trying my best to go back and edit them!

"Give it back, Val!" I shouted, laughing trying to get my phone back.

"Jump for it, shortie!" Valorie had her arm stretched over her head standing on her tip toes.

I crossed my arms and looked up at my phone in frustration.

Being short was such a struggle. I could never reach anything. I always had to climb on top of counters, tables, and chairs.

Oh my.

"If you think I'm jumping for it, you have lost your mind." I mumbled, under my breath.

She rolled her eyes and tossed me my phone.

"Thank you," I squealed, catching it.

"You ruin all the fun, you know that?" She opened her arms and pulled me into a tight hug.

I scoffed, "I think you like to have a little too much fun."

She shoved me playfully, while rolling her eyes, "Can we just head to the mall? These really cute sandals are on sale and I would really like to buy them before they dissappear."

"Don't we have to meet everyone at Bev's in like, ten minutes?"

She groaned, "I almost forgot. Who's idea was it to hang there today any way?"

"We do it every Sunday, Val."

"Oh yeah," she tossed me my jacket off her bed, "We better get moving. I'm going to be one pissed off girl if I don't get those sandals."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend, "You're such a Drama Queen."

"Ahh, but what is a Queen without her super cute sandals?"

We both laughed, as we headed out the door.


"Gabbie, Val, you made it!" Danielle greeted, with a bright smile on her face.

I took the open seat next to Danielle, "You know we can't miss Sundays at Bev's."

"And I can't miss the chance to get my sandals. Has everyone ordered?" Valorie asked, sitting next to Sophia, on the other side of the table.

"Tyler and Sophia already ate, and I'm waiting on my salad." Danielle responded.

"You must really want these shoes," Tyler said, taking a sip of his sweet tea.

"You just don't understand, babe." Sophia smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder.

If you couldn't already tell, Sophia and Tyler are dating. It's been a year, and they're still going strong.

I called a waiter over, ready to order.

"Welcome to Bev's Cafè, what will you be having today?" The blonde around our age asked.

I closed my menu, looking at her, "Can I get some cheese fries and a Dr.Pepper in a styrofoam cup, please?"

She nodded, taking my menu and turing to take Valories order.

"Aw, no carrots and celery sticks today, Gabriel?" Tyler teased, throwing an arm around Sophia.

"Shut up, Tyler! You know I hate when you call me that." I mumbled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Where's Rhyan?" Valorie asked, once the waitress had left.

"I'm right here," a voice called, from behind.

He pulled my hair, then took a seat next to Valorie.

"Seriously, Rhy?" I groaned, fixing my hair.

"You took my seat,"

"Sucks to be you."

"Nah, it's pretty great, actually." He grinned, running his fingers through his thick-dark hair.

"How's my favorite baby step-sis in the whole universe doing today?" Rhyan kissed Valorie's cheek, pulling her into a tight hug.

She squirmed away from him, "You're older then me by like, two month, stupid. And you know I hate when you kiss me in public!"

"I know, that's exactly why I do it." He smirked, letting her go.

Rhyan was Valerie's step brother. His mom started dating Valerie's dad last year and they plan to get married sometime over the summer.

"Ugh, where's my food?" Valorie cried, leaning back in her seat.

Right on cue, the waitress came back with everyones orders.

"Thank you," I smiled kindly at the blue eyed girl, who nodded before scurrying away.

"It's about time," Valorie mumbled, stabbing her salad.

"Whoa, what did that salad do to you?" Rhyan asked.

"Shoes." The table responded in perfect sync.

We all laughed, except for Valorie, who was forcefully shoving salad down her throat.

Author's Note: What did you guys think of the first chapter?

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