Chapter 11

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"Hey." Rhyan greeted, with a small wave.

He stood on the other side of the door in a black hoddie and grey sweat pants. His hair was dripping wet along with the rest of clothes.

"Rhyan, you're soaked!"

I hadn't even realized it was raining.

"Seriously? I didn't notice!" He said, sarcastically.

I leaned against the door, and raised my eyebrows.

"What?" He shrugged, "It's not my fault you're oblivious."

"Am not!" I whined, pointing a finger at him.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"So you're telling me you knew it was raining?" He tested, with a grin, crossing his arms.

I paused, looking around before making actual eye contact again.

"Of course I knew," I replied, not sounding convincing at all.

He laughed, shaking his head.

His smile was so pretty. I hadn't noticed how straight his teeth are! I wonder if he's had braces.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I whined.

"Becuase you're cute when you lie." He smiled, warmly.

I felt my cheeks burn, as a smile crept on my face.

Rhyan was the highlight of my night. He got my mind off Jake for awhile and it was really nice spending time with him.

"I hate the rain," I shuddered, "It's so cold and.. wet."

He laughed again, shaking his wet, and now messy hair.

"Did you just say that you hated the rain becuase it's wet?"

I nodded.

He extended his hand towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at his hand.

"Take my hand." He whispered, looking into my eyes.

Why did he do this to me? I fell under his spell and slowly extended my hand. I never broke eye contact as my small, fragile hand wrapped around his wet, warm hand.

After a few seconds, he yanked me towards him.

I yelped, bouncing off his chest.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out as I was being picked up and taken out into the rain.

The cold drops of water hit my skin instantly. In a matter of seconds, I was soaked.

"What are you doing?" I shouted, holding onto his shoulders.

He laughed, looking up at me, with that playful glint in his eye. We spun around in circles, laughter escaping my lips.

I looked down at him once we stopped spinning, meeting his gaze. I couldn't help but smile at those green orbs that melted my heart.

"Why are you staring at me? Ugh, now I'm all wet and cold and-"

A cold finger was then pressed against my lips, shutting me up. Rhyan set me down, gently.

We were extremely close to each other. His fingers outlined the coners of my lips as water droplets fell on my face.

His finger trailed down my chin. Rhyan put his thumb under my chin and tiped it up.

Our eyes meet again, and the look in his eyes are no longer playful. I stare deeply into those eyes and watch how his hand palms my cheek ever so gently.

It feels as if I'm sweating under this cold rain due to his warm touch. I notice how he licks his lips slowly. As if asking for permission, he leans in.

"Hey, Gabbie, has Danielle left-"

My eyes flew.

Rhyan froze, his eyes wide.

We all stayed glued were we were, scared to speak.

"Ohmygosh I am so sorry, I honestly didn't mean to interrupt," Sophia babbled, embarrassed.

Rhyan moved to stand beside me, alowing me to see Sophia standing at the door, flushed.

"It's fine," Rhyan assured her, "I should probably be heading home. Tim doesn't know I'm here." He chuckled, awkwardly.

Our eyes met for a brief moment, before he jogged towards his house.


"You and Rhyan almost kissed!" Sophia shouted, jumping on my bed, "Don't sit here and tell me nothing happened!"

I took a slip of my Dr.Pepper, and sat next to her. I had exchanged my wet clothes for dry ones, and my matted hair was now up in a loose bun.

I didn't know where to begin.

"He basically pulled me out into the rain, picked me up, spun me around, set me down, then leaned in to kiss me."

Thinking about all of that made me dizzy.

It all happened so fast. It was like I couldn't react to it if I wanted to. And to be quite honest, the only reaction I wanted seemed to be the one he wanted as well.

"Holy shit, Gabbie."

"I know," I sighed, setting my drink down.

"What are you going to tell Val?"

"How does, yo, your brother tried to kiss me, sound?"

She shook her head, reaching for her phone.

"What are you doing?" I snapped, trying to grab her phone.

"I'm just texting Tyler back, chill!"

"I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but be a little over the edge. I mean, I don't know what this means. Does he like me? Or was this a mistake?

I need to find out before another "moment" like this occurs . And the kiss actually happens.

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