Chapter 4

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I walked into school the next morning bright and early.

I had on black leggings, a long white cashmere sweater and white Uggs. My hair was extra curly today, due to the humidity.

I opened my locker, grabbing all the books I needed for class.

"GABBIE!" Valorie and Sophia ran up to my locker slamming it shut with a lond 'bang'.

"What the hell?!" I hissed, "You almost slammed my fingers shut!"

"Did you hear?" Sophia gasped.

"Hear what?"

"We have a new kid!" Valorie shrieked, clapping her hands together.

Now I understand why they were so excited. We normally don't get a lot of new students here at SouthWest. We take these thing seriously.

Well, I don't really stress about is as much.

"Ooo. Boy or girl?" I asked, aimlessly.

"He's the talk of the cheer squad," Valorie groaned.

Definitely a boy.

I laughed, shutting my locker, "Have you guys seen him yet?"

"We haven't gotten the honor." Danielle cried.

"Well I'm sure that is likely to change by the end of the day," I giggled, as the bell rang.


First period went by as slow as ever. World History wasn't my best subject, especially honors.

I tuned out Mr.Thomas's voice and started doodling on my paper. I was drawing hearts and tiny flowers all over my page.

"Mrs. Reynolds," Mr. Thomas called, snapping me out of my daze, "Can you tell me a little about the Triangle Trade and the affect it had on America?"

I only payed attention if the subject seemed interesting. It's a good thing I love triangles.

I answered the question, giving him a warm smile at the end.

"Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds. Let's all make sure we're paying attention." He gave me a look before continuing his lesson.

I began to write down most of the notes, when my phone vibrated in my lap.

Rhyan: Have you heard the lastest gossip?

Me: New kid swarms through the halls of SouthWest High. It's about time, don't ya think?

We haven't had a new kid in years. That's the only reason the talk is so live. Plus he's a guy. I promise you, you won't find any girls more dramatic then the ones at SouthWest High School.

I was kinda curious to know who this new kid was. He was creating quite a scene, so I'd hope he'd be as great as everyone is making him out to be.

After the dismissal bell, I made an attempt to point out a unfamiliar face in the sea of students.

I had zero luck.

I did, however, find Rhyan talking to a few of his friends.

I made mm way over to him, tapping him on the shoulder after his friends had left.

"Hey, hey," I said, with a smile.

"Hey, Gabbie. What hall are you going to?"

"300. I got my schedule changed last week. You?"

"Same. I'll walk with you."

We made our way through the students.

"Have you seen him yet?" I asked, reffering to you know who.

He shook his head.

"Dang. This kid must keep a low profile."

"Or he just blends in so well that no one can tell him apart from the rest of us."

I chuckled, "If that was the case, he wouldn't be the talk of the school, dontcha think?"

"I guess. I mean, he must be something. He's getting as much talk as I do on the norm."

Rhyan loved attention. He didn't seek it, but when the opportunity was there, he would take advantage of it.

He was on top when it came to the social calendar. He isn't the school bad boy, but not a goodie two shoes  either.

"You're such a Drama Queen." I teased, rolling my eyes.

He poked my side, which cased me to jump.

I slapped his arm, "Rhy! You know I'm ticklish." I whined, wrapping my arms around my sides.

"That's why I did it smart one," He pointed his finger at me, which I bit softly, "Ow! What was that for?"

"I got hungry." I gave him am innocent look.

He smirked, "What do I taste like?"

I gigged, licking my lips. He didn't taste like anything to be honest but it was always fun to play along.

"Chicken! Then again you could be a duck since they seem to tase the same to you."

We laughed, stoping in front of my class.

I noticed him hesitate.

It was like he was trying to say something but he didn't know how.

"Spit it out," I mumbled, softly.

"So," he cleared his throat, "About what happened last night.."

"What about it?" I barley whispered, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

He took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say-"

The warring bell chimed throughout the whole school, signaling that everyone needed to get to class pronto.

He sighed, offering me a smile.

"Thanks for walking with me. It was quite an adventure." He chuckled.

"Anytime." I replied, "Thanks for walking with me to class today."

"Anytime," he responed, like I had, "Besides, I didn't want you to get trampled by all those people. We all know how small you are."

I gigged, punching his arm, "Don't make me taste the rest of your fingers, Rhyno."

"You wouldn't dare, short stuff." He threatened, backing away slowly.

"Try me," I warned, biting the air towards him.

He chuckled shaking his head, before disappearing into his class.

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