Chapter 29

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Today has been a total disaster.

The only thing on my mind is getting home and taking a nice long nap. Maybe that will make everything go away.

I let out a sigh, as I finished the worksheet that Mrs. Walker had assigned us to finish by the end of class. I wrote my name at the top, then made my way towards her desk to hand it in.

"Done already?" she asked, taking the worksheet.

I nodded, then made my way back towards my desk.

I glanced over at Marrisa, who was grinning at me. I raised an eyebrow.

That's when she blew me a kiss.

The bell saved me from going over and smashing her face right then and there.

I tried to cool down, as I made my way towards the door. I joined the sea of students in the halls, who were rushing to get home or wherever they're headed.

After a quick stop by my locker, I decided to wait on Sophia by her car. I had no intention of running into my Valorie today. For the time being, I would keep my distance. I didn't want anymore drama then there already was. 

I fished my phone out of my bag and started scrolling through social media. It was a good thing I knew my way around the school. I zig-zaged through teenage bodies as I scrolled through Twitter.

"Hey, Gabriella!"

What the hell, man.

I turned around and found a evil Marrisa walking towards me. She had that I'm-up-to-no-good look.

"What." I snapped.

"Where's Jakey? I wanted you to see me give him a kiss goodbye."

I rolled my eyes, "Look, I don't know when he's coming back, but what I am sure about, is that he has no feelings for you what so ever."

She scoffed.

"Don't believe me?"

She crossed her arms over her chest.

I'll take that as a no.

"He has no feelings for you, Gabbie. He's into me. So whatever thing you think that you guys have? It's not there. I can promise you that-"

"Hey, Princess!"

"It can't be," I whispered, turning around to face the voice.

I turned around and sure enough there stood Jake with a huge smile on his face and a bouquet of pink roses.

He was standing a few feet away from me. I decided to close the space between us by running into his welcoming arms.

He lifted me off my feet, spinning me around. I grabbed his face and kissed him. Oh how I missed those lips.

After a few seconds, he put me back down and pressed his forehead against mine.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, unable to erase the smile off my face.

"I wanted to surprise you," he laughed, "You seem happy to see me."

I giggled as I kissed his lips, softly.

"Miss me?" He mumbled, against my lips.

I nodded, smiling.

He pulled away, "These are for you." 

He handed me the flowers.

"Thank you," I cooed, pecking his lips.

I had almost forgotten that we were still right in front of the whole student body. It wasn't when I turned my head to find all eyes on me and Jake that I noticed everyone starring.

Everyone was silent for a few moments, snapping pictures and videos of the scene. Until everyone started whistling and clapping.

I blushed, looking down at the ground.

Jake tilted my chin up, our eyes meeting.

"Marrisa's watching," he grinned, "Front row."

I looked over at a very pissed Marrisa. Her mouth was hanging wide open and she was giving the meanest glare possible.

I grinned at her before showing who really has Jake's heart.


"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I've missed you so much," Jake mumbled in my ear.

"I-I'm sure. I need to take a nap. I'm really tired."

He pulled away, giving me a worried look, "Is everything okay?"

I hesitated.

I thought of the kiss between Rhyan and I, debating whether I should tell him or not.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'll call you?"

"You better," he said, pecking my lips softly.

I watched him leave, then made my way upstairs and into my room.

I walked into my storage closet and pulled out the giant white bear that Rhyan won for me at the fair along with my guitar song book.

"So, Rhyan. I decided to write you a song that explains how I feel about you," I said, to the bear, "I hope you like it."

I let out a sigh and began singing.

"Climb the stairs to your apartment. Just to see you holding her. You try to tell me that it's nothing. So I keep coming back again."

"You're looking right in my eyes and I know that you're lying, when you say that you're mine and there's nobody else. But even when we fight, I can't stop from loving you, you know we can't be friends, I guess this is how it ends."

"Things that you say. I can't erase. Repeating days. It's all the same."

"Driving home I'm empty-hearted. Broken pictures on the floor. And when I thought that it was over. I see you standing at the door."

"I'm looking right in your eyes and you know that I'm lying, when I say that I'm fine, there'll be somebody else. But after all this time, I can't stop from loving you. You know we can't be friends. Can I taste your lips again?"

"Things that you say. I can't erase. Repeating days. It's all the same."

"We're all afraid of loneliness. We're all afraid of dying 'lone. And even when you broke my heart, I'd do it again."

"You're looking right in my eyes and you know that I'm lying, when I say that you're mine and there's nobody else. But even when we fight, I can't stop from loving you. You know we can't be friends. Can I taste your lips again?"

"Things that you say, I can't erase. Repeating days. It's all the same."

"Days repeating over again. Hopelessly go over our heads. Yeah, days repeating over again. Hopelessly go over our heads, yeah."

I stopped strumming, along with my singing. I hadn't realized that my eyes had been closed. Or that I'd been crying.

I looked over at the bear and let out a long, heart filled sigh. I don't know why, but I wrapped my arms around the bear and hid my face in it's fuzzy over sized shoulders. I sobbed silently for what seemed like hours.

I didn't know letting go and moving on to something better would hurt so much. I didn't know things were going to end like this between me and Rhyan. I didn't want things to end like this.

But I guess we don't always get what we want in this crazy, messed up world.

I let go of the bear and calmed down a bit, before finally standing up. I placed my guitar back on the stand and hid my song book in my drawer.

I grabbed the bear and slowly walked towards my closest. I set the bear on top of a box full of toys and photo albums from when I was younger.

I took one last look at the bear.

"Goodbye, Rhyan." I whispered, before shutting him out of my life forever.

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