Chapter 8

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"Holy shit," I whispered to myself.

What are the odds of the new and totally hot, kid showing up to your favorite hang out?

Because there stood Jake Carter in the same jeans and Roshes, except now he had a hoddie on.

I felt my stomach churn as we made eye contact.

I quickly turned around and let my hair fall over my face.

I looked up at Danielle and Sophia who continued to stare without any shame.

"Stop starring will you?" I hissed, pulling on their arms.

They both shhhh'd me, shooing my hand away.

How rude.

After a few seconds of awkwardness, they finally sat down.

"You guys are creepy as hell," I muttered, finishing my fries.

"Sorry, it's just that he's so.." Sophia started.

"Dreaaamy," Danielle finished.

I don't understand why they're even acting like this. Sophia is in a healthy relationship. It's a little understandable as to why Danielle is all love struck, but she's normally never like this.

Danielle's surprisingly single. She's Caucasian with red-dyed straight hair that goes a little past her shoulders. Her sea green eyes are attention seekers. She has braces that look too good with her deep dimples and the oh so perfect body.

Guys practically kiss the floor she walks on, but for some reason she's never interested. She's been on a few dates, but they didn't really get anywhere.

"I'm gonna go ahead and go. I've got homework to finish before mom gets home. Plus, Empire's on tonight, and I need to make sure it has my full and undivided attention!" Danielle laughed, before walking out the Café.

I looked over at Sophia, who I caught starting at Jake.

"Really, Soph?"

She snapped out of the daze, then smiling innocently.

"You have a boyfriend, ya know."

"I know, I know. But that doesn't mean I can't drool over really hot guys from time to time." She sighed, dramatically.

I wish I could be a little more like my friends. It's not that I was ugly or that guys didn't like me or anything. It was just that the wrong guys were attracted to me. And not even for the right reasons. They only want one thing.

Thankfully, I don't provide their needs.

When I was younger, I thought I was in love. There was this boy I met in first grade. His name was Jakob. We shared animal crackers and that was the start of our friendship.

No one could tear us apart. We did everything a boy and a girl could do possibly do together.

PG of course.

We learned to ride bikes together, watched scarry movies, and we even took the biggest step elementary schoolers could take.

Middle school.

By then, the idea of cooties disappeared. It was replaced with actual feelings. Feelings I begin to develop for him as an innocent 7th grader.

I didn't want to say anything, mainly because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

It wasn't until he asked me out on an actual date that things began to take a turn.

I was so excited. Another scary step with my other half. It was very reassuring to know we would be doing this dating thing together.

Mom and the girls helped me get ready for my special day. Mom was going to drop me up at the movies, then his mom would pick us up and take us to Olive Garden to have dinner.

All the excitement began to drain out if me as the hours passed and there was still no sign of Jakob.

I waited for what felt like hours.

The closest thing I remember from that day is mom finding me in the bathroom crying.

Jakob was never seen at school again. I didn't get an explanation as to why he didn't show, or where he'd gone.

That's another big step Jakob helped me accomplish.

My first broken heart.

"Gabbie? Gabbie!" Sopia waved a hand in front of my face.


"I've gotta go. Mom and Dad need me home. Do you want a ride?"

I declined her offer, telling her I'd walk instead.

"Whatever you say. Call me later?"

After she left, curiosity finally got the best of me.

I casually turned around and began searching for a certain guy in a hoodie.

A few other people were around, but not as many as there usually are. It's almost closing time.

My eyes finally landed on Jake who was sipping on what looked like hot chocolate or coffee. He was looking around the restauran that was yet unfamiliar to him.

After finishing my fries, with a few glances at Jake ever so often, I decided to head home. It was getting dark, and I never felt comfortable alone in darkness.

Before I was fully out the door, I was stopped by a male voice.


I turned around, and saw Jake standing up from his table. He walked towards me with his drink still in hand.

I looked up at him and immediately smiled. I don't know why, but I just did.

"Are you following me?" I teased, raising my eyebrows.

He chuckled, "Definitely. I have a tracking device on your phone that lets me know where you are 24/7."

"Oo, the new kid's a stalker too?"

He laughed, shaking his head.

I think that was the first time I'd actually heard him laugh like that. It was a very soothing sound that made my heart flutter.

"Are you heading out? I was just about to ask you if you wanted to have some hot chocolate with me," he offered, messing with the edge of his cup, "My treat."

I looked outside at the setting sun, then over at Jake. It was either go home, take a shower, then watch reruns of Full House, or drink hot chocolate with the new kid.

"I guess some hot chocolate wouldn't hurt. Especially if it's free."

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