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To rereaders: I've rewritten and added new scenes to many chapters so just be on a lookout.

To new readers: the prologue will not make sense for now but as the story progresses, it will. Don't be frightened away cause you don't know what's going on for now

January 1, 2020

"If loyalty isn't enough to keep you by my side then seven different kinds locks should do the trick!"


No way out.

They search for something, anything that they could get their hands on. It could be a weapon, a key, a slight aspiration to keep themselves from giving up but nothing! The walls and the chains wrapped around their body as if it's their second skin encased them in eternal darkness with no way out. Not a single door, window, a trace of light, or a clue to how they ever got in here in the first place could be found. And their ankles, fractured and bruised, forbidden them from walking or running.

This prison of their's is a perfect cube, the corners just reachable if they extend their arms like a starfish, confined with just their minds— minds that are broken, minds that gave no mercy as these voices— horrible voices that never leaves, voices that taunts them even if they are awake, voices that won't fucking shut up as it is there to remind them of their torture and pain.

"I'M GOOD! CANT YOU SEE IM GOOD?!? WAS I NOT PERFECT FOR YOU?!? EVERYONE SAID I'M PERFECT! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!?" The monster, that horrid voice stuck in their head screamed, piercing and shattering each part of her psyche.

Their breathing became unsteady as they look up in terror, their body frozen in the same spot. Adrenaline, terror, and paranoia floods their system; it kept pumping and pumping, their heart beating so hard and quickly.

Escape. Escape. Escape. Escape. But I can't. No I can't. Frozen. Paralyzed. I can't move my body. Scared. I'm scared. Someone help me, I can't take it anymore.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" The monster cocked it's head, latching it's disgusting, bloody, hands on their jaw, squeezing it so firmly that the sounds of bones cracking became audible. "You have such pretty, glossy, white teeth every time you smile. I like your teeth. I want to pull each one of your porcelain, pretty and perfect white teeth just to add into my collection. Now where's my collection? Hahahaha silly me, I have them somewhere!"

Then the monster is gone yet again. They mustered up their leftover strength, pushing past their limits they didn't know they had and found themselves untied, limbs finally able to moved from their restricted chains.

They smiled.


There is hope.

Then the monster came back.

It all came tumbling down.

"Are you walking away from me? Silly. You're so silly! Come here babydoll. Come. Here. Now. Baby doll," they yelped as a harsh tug grasped their hair into a ball, tugging onto their scalp painfully. "Your hair... it's so smooth, every lock, every strand, I want it all for myself. Your hair smells so good, I want it next to me. Stop it," the monster gritted It's teeth as they began to fight, but their efforts came into a stop as no progress were made, "stop it, stop it, stop it!!! You don't fucking deserve hair like that. It's not fair that you're keeping it all for yourself. It's not fair. Why can't I have something like that?!"

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