Chapter 16: All You Need Is Me

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Seokjin sat stiffly in the desk chair as he analyzes patient's state of health and documents stating the propositions of expanding the chains of hospitals he owned.

Occasionally, he would catch himself slouching, and so he straightened up, pushing his shoulder backwards, sitting taller and more erect. He notified hisself that he didn't want to wind up as some hunch back old man in a few decades time, but within a few more minutes, he had forgotten, resuming his slouching posture... until he receives a soft tap on the shoulder from (Y/N).

"Thanks," he mutters lowly and went straight back to his work, though from time to time he would sneak a few glances towards (Y/N)'s way.

He would watch the way she carefully taps Jungkook's forehead with a towel or the way she replaces the cold wet towel when it's beginning to turn warm due to Jungkook's blazing temperature.

Jungkook has a fever— that's what Seokjin's analysis declared it to be anyways. But... the blond headed doctor found a small yet intricate detail to be odd... hence why he persisted Jungkook to stay in his office to observe his condition. And (Y/N) being the "stubborn" and "ungrateful brat for refusing the rest of the day off" argued—fought actually— Seokjin that she should stay within Jungkook's perimeters.

"Aren't you hungry, Seokjin? I could always fix something for you in the kitchen. You haven't ate anything..."

Seokjin glances up at (Y/N)'s figure in front of his desk with a straight, stoic face. "I'm not hungry. I have too much work to do—"

"And here I thought that you were a doctor," (Y/N) crosses her arms, her statement passively questioning the liability of his work.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" The male responds with a slight scowl. "Don't question me, (Y/N). I know it's not proper to starve. It doesn't mean I don't want to eat, I'm disregarding my health... I'm simply not hungry."

"That's true, but you just think you're not hungry. With the amount of work you're doing, you are too distracted to feel the signals your brain is giving you. If you truly don't want to eat a full meal then that's okay, but at least have some snack and that's final." (Y/N) lightly ticked Seokjin's forehead, lips playing a smirk as she won another argument with the egotistical king who's usually too obstinate to admit he lost. "I'll be right back with the snacks."

His mouth twitched, and (Y/N) was sure that he was fighting a smile.

Seokjin releases the breath he didn't even know he was holding as (Y/N) left his office. The time rushes by in a blur. This feeling... it goes by fast, yet slow, almost suspended. Then the impact. The realization. It electrified him to the bones.

His golden eyes travels to the wooden frame (Y/N) had been eyeing. She wasn't discreet. Her gandering would either be too long or plain noticeable.

"Curious girl..." he whispers as he lifts the object containing a single photograph.

Looking at this again was all it took for the tears to burst Seokjin's dam of restraint. He clutched the solid frame tight in his hand, able to see a ghostly reflection of an older man cradling a boy, age not above ten, in the thin sheen of glass that covered it. He looked past his own dreary eyes and stared upon the older man's face that had been caught in a moment of perfection. The happiest memories hurts the worst, they were the ones that cut him the deepest. He focused in on his father's eyes; they were glistening with the twinkle of laughter that he once loved. Now they laughed at him. They reminded him of what he had lost.

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