Chapter 22: Unravel

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⚠️Warning: brutal scenes up ahead

Yoonah sits in the middle with her hands tied at the back while sitting in a cold metal chair. She breathes lightly, still regaining her conscious. 'W-where am I?' She thought as she looked around.

'Wait a minute— where's Namjoon and Yoongi?'

The last thing Yoonah remembered was Namjoon visiting her hotel room with Yoongi suspiciously tailing behind him. Her heart hammered inside of her chest; adrenaline picked up its pace. Yoongi... Yoongi entered her room first, approaching Yoonah in a calm non-threatening stride whilst wearing his gummy smile. Then she blinked. Yoonah felt a sharp needle piercing the vein of her neck. She choked, eyes rolling to the side as she watched Yoongi drain the syringe into her system— knocking her out no less than a second.

"Poor thing," Yoongi said. Not an ounce of remorse nor guilt could be traced in his voice nor face. "Namjoon, tell your men to hurry up. I wanna get outta here and sleep. Looking at this bitch is irritating me."

"And here I thought you supported (Y/N) leaving South Korea to go to America." Namjoon chuckled.

"I did, but I realized something that changed my mind..."

"What do you mean?"

"You could say I'm Sleeping Beauty and she's Prince Charming. Without her I would never wake up, never be able to see the wonders of the world. She took a peek into my broken heart and soul, seeing the way they bleed, and mounded them to it's original piece with a single, sinful kiss," Yoongi crouched down to Yoonah's fallen figure on the floor, tilted his head and smiled, "maybe I'm not Sleeping Beauty... maybe I'm the dragon... and she had accidentally woken the wicked fairy instead of saint princess."

The room spins as Yoonah leaned her back against the cold metallic chair, brain unable to fathom this difficult situation. Oh god. She felt so sick. Her ribs heaved you and down but no air either traveled in or out. The exertion brings on more breathlessness, as if the air surrounding her was sucked by a giant vacuum. 

Horror devoured every cell, nerve, and muscles in Yoonah's body. She felt the rise of her blood pressure as she heard an echo of a door opening and closing, the clicking of steps coming neared and nearer.

"You're awake..." a menacing voice spoke. "It's about time."

Yoonah froze.

"Namjoon..." she fell breathless. "W-why? Why are you doing this?!"

Tears stung her eyes as she clenched her hands to firm, rigid fists. She wanted to scream, strain her voice to release her pent frustration and rip his whole face apart. Yoonah was bereft of speech. She thought they formed a tight knit bond through the years of friendship they've built; born without silver spoon in their mouths, the two met when their parents became business partners and since then, they've been close. So how could her childhood best friend do this to her? Was those years worthless? Did it hold no meaning?

Obviously not.

Why else is he doing this.

Yoonah was nothing but a pawn to him. She was a tool— a gateway to her rich parent's doorsteps to expand his business.

She shot a death glare, eyes never avoiding Namjoon's olive green eyes. Her anger was churning, it was hungry for destruction, and it was only a matter of time until she self destruct. Not only was Yoonah furious at Namjoon exploit her, she was also enraged at (Y/N)'s treatment. Yoonah should've taken (Y/N) with her the moment her heels stepped out out of the mansion! She should've!!

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