Chapter 29: Take Flight

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June 25, 2019
11:00 pm

A dried gasp escaped (Y/N)'s lips as her unconscious state ended abruptly. Her (e/c) eyes shot open, eyelashes faintly batting against her lids as she drinks in the dark scenery around her. Everything was blurry at first and for a second, she didn't know who or where she was, how she got on this bed or in these clothes, but her mind was shaken back to reality once her gaze landed on a particular butler sitting on a chair beside her bed, halfway skinning an apple with his knife.

Memories of Jungkook knocking her out senseless flashed through (Y/N)'s mind. Her face turned frigid, jaw clamped tight, teeth grinding, and fists clenched into a tight ball. She's pissed... mad at Jungkook for doing that to her. (Y/N) attempted to rise from the mattress she laid on yet her aching muscles within her cold skin forbid her to do so.

"You shouldn't get up so suddenly," Jaemin said in a blank tone, "you're still healing."

"H-How long was I out?"

"Less than two days. Master Seokjin was right that you would've been awake by the end of today."

"Seokjin..." (Y/N) trailed to silence.

"I was told to report back to him when you're awake."

"Are you? Going to report back to him, I mean."

"No... I won't." Jaemin releases an exasperated sigh as he set the apple and knife he cradled on top the night stand before focusing his attention to (Y/N). "Not yet, at least."

Jaemin's sudden disobedience against his master intrigued the female in such away that she inched her body little by little until her back fully pressed the headboard of the bed to properly listen.

"If... if you hadn't come here, all of this mess would've never happen. If I never asked you out on that silly little date to get to know you more, Master Jungkook would've never hurt me— but— but that was my fault wasn't it? I wasn't acting professional nor appropriate in work spaces, but why did he have to hurt me?!" Jaemin sharpened his glare towards the female. "I'm loyal. I've always been loyal and he knows that so why would he hurt me? After carefully questioning and evaluating the situation, I figured out why. I'm not an airhead, no, not at all— being the head of the butlers doesn't allow me to freely make miscalculations."

Jaemin leans his elbows down to his knees and clasped both of his hands together. "Master Jungkook, as well as the others, is in love— no, this isn't love— it's an obsession... a complete infatuation. They would do anything to have you for themselves, whatever it takes, even if it's killing or betrayal, they wouldn't care—"

"I hate to break it to you, but your masters won't be fighting against each other anymore because of Namjoon's grand plan. He figured it's better to share than have six other dogs chasing his tail for the rest of his life," (Y/N) chided.

"No," Jaemin shook his head, "I know Master Namjoon. I know all of them. I've worked here for years."

"What are you trying to say?" She queried, her eyebrows raising up to implicate her inquisitiveness.

"Master Namjoon destroyed competing companies this way. He first gathers them together in an alliance, but gradually he would whisper information to their ears that would turn them against each other. And he would stand there... looking innocent... looking as if he was on each of their side when in reality, he's not," he shut his eyes to regather his composure and sighed, "listen to me (Y/N). These men won't stop until they reach their goal. And this house. This mansion. Would be at ruins if this continues... if you remain here."

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