Chapter 25: Fallen Mask

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⚠️Gore/ Triggering Scenes

June 21, 2019
5:00 pm

(Y/N) bit her lips into a thin line, passing slowly down the halls crowded by maids and butlers while bothersome thoughts and presumptions loomed over her noggin. It was rather an eventful week, with Yoonah missing, Namjoon becoming more controlling of everyone's propositions, Jungkook falling deeper to his illness, and so on forth. (Y/N) subconsciously creased her eyebrows to the middle to discern brooding lines on her (s/c) features as she kept thinking... remembering.

Looking up she noticed two figures in front of Lucas's room, Yoongi and Hoseok in specific, peering silently at the scene transpiring in front of them; their bodies were tensed, chest compacted to small breaths. The two hadn't noticed the female appear beside them and seemed entirely detached from the reality.

"W-What's going on?" (Y/N) felt her throat tighten as she finally caught a glimpse of the boys' view. She had no strength to speak nor move.

The cardiac monitor, the one that keeps Lucas's heart in check goes blank, the once up and downs on the screen goes straight.

There was no heartbeat.

"Seo-Seokjin... Luc-Lucas, he's—he's okay... righ—"

"Come on (Y/N), you don't have to see this," Hoseok stepped in front of (Y/N), covering her vision. Yoongi tugged on her arm, but she gave no vivid response; he tugged again and this time, her glassy gaze weaving layers of pleads and sadness met his stern ones. "Yoongi get her out of here."

Seokjin proceeded to perform CPR to Lucas despite hearing (Y/N)'s heartbreaking words filled with fake-hope. "Come on, breathe Lucas, breathe!" He gritted through his teeth as he continuously push hard and push fast; he placed his hands, one on top of the other, in the middle of the chest while the blond haired male used all of his strength to deliver compressions to circulate blood then delivered rescue breaths. 'I don't understand, his vitals yesterday was perfectly normal, why is going to cardiac arrest?! DAMN HE'S NOT RESPONDING!'

"No, Hoseok, I'm not going anywhe—" (Y/N)'s face fell. Instantly, her skin greyed, mouth hung with lips slightly parted and eyes widened in shock. Seokjin reached his two fingers underneath Lucas's jaw and shook his head. A soft, apologetic sigh escaped his lips as he looked at (Y/N) with a broken expression.

He died.

Lucas died.

She feels like a useless, a defective, dysfunctional junk. Without thinking, her small hand found Lucas' without thinking and recoiled just as fast— it was so cold. He was gone. She expected herself to cry yet in truth, she felt nothing at all— felt as if she wasn't capable of feeling anything again. All of her tears had dried long ago so she's left with a stoic expression, an expression so dull that no one can no longer decipher what she feels.

Then there was a scream in her head. In that empty scream is the pain of the indifferent, a monster who finally releases itself from the chains that hid it away inside of (Y/N)'s mind.

"(Y/N)—" Hoseok put a hand over her shoulder which she easily slid off from.

"I'm okay... I feel better than okay," she said, stumbling backwards. Her heel collided with the nightstand, causing the ceramic lamp to fall to the ground. (Y/N) kneeled down, picking the broken ceramic pieces delicately until her fingers coiled into a ball. The pieces pierced the skin of her palms, it's sharp ends digging all the way to the whites of her bones. "Huh... I don't feel anything."

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