Chapter 11: Teach Me

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"Why must I do everything myself? Can't those impotent morons reach my standards for work while working in the hospital? Oh-oh my... calm down Seokjin— you shall not crease your perfect skin by stressing because irrelevant peasants."

Seokjin releases a loud and frustrated groan, his heavy tone sitting deadly in the air. Loud pattering of his steps stampeded the halls of the mansion, warning any workers who come across his path to hide from his peripheral vision.

With Seokjin's never-ending self-praise, disparaging comments about their "low" status, the workers had grown to stray away from their master. Constantly hearing they're nothing but servants, how they're not doing their work properly up to his standards, and belittling them of every single detail that makes them... them... can be mentally draining.

"Master Seokjin?" (Y/N)'s sweet, melodic voice entered his line of hearing.

Seokjin's head snapped at her direction, eyes immediately scanning the fabric of her clothing and everything of her in general. Seokjin straightened his posture, grip tightening on the heavy box of documents, as he finished evaluating this "poor" girl.

"May I help you carry the box?" She asked, hands motioning up for him to pass the heavy material. (Y/N) was on her way to Taehyung's room, but seeing Seokjin troubled expression urged her to help him.

"The box is too heavy for a woman to carry. Send one of the men butlers instead," Seokjin spat, his deep voice commanding (Y/N).

Without hesitation, (Y/N) pulled— practically pried the damn thing— out of his hands with great difficulty. Knowing herself, if she continued to listen to his complaints (Y/N)'s thin thread of patience would snap to two pieces.

"Like a man, a woman can also carry heavy boxes with ease, Master Seokjin. And just like how a man could kill someone they find infuriating, a woman can too," she stated, control and passive aggressiveness lacing her voice. (Y/N) lowly scowled with a seething fire in her optics. 

"Did you just threaten me—?!" as his voice progressively pass the average speaking tone, the female quickly shut him up.

"That was a fact, Master Seokjin." She said nonchalantly. "You better listen well and sleep with one eye open because you never know when I can slit your throat. That one is a threat. Do you see the difference?"

"How dare you talk to me this way?! I am your boss, your superior, your master! Do you know who I am you pathetic, ungracious—!"

His eyes widen when he felt the female's small hands covering his mouth. Seokjin seemed astonished at her action, disbelieving that anyone, especially by his servant, would cut him off just like that.

"Yes I do know who you are. You are Kim Seok Jin, the man who runs a multimillion worth of hospital chains that spans across South Korea and soon North America. But your greatness, even though you have this status and power, you shouldn't let it corrupt and destroy you— that would tarnish your wonderful reputation, yes?" She rhetorically asked as she skillfully used the man's pride to press the correct buttons. "And working as your new assistant, which is an amazing opportunity to have, you are capable of treating your employees with respect. Surely, you won't fail at that right? Or would you? Would Kim Seokjin fail?"


Seokjin never fails at anything.

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