Chapter 17: Little Kitten

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June 15, 2019 5:00 P.M

It had been one hell of a rough day.

After a frenetic morning and afternoon avoiding the boys, (Y/N) could fully sink into her wonderful, soft bed. Even though it's her day off, it is Saturday after all, the boys were persistent.

With their odd attempts of accidentally "bumping" into her way to requesting for her presence because they were in "need" of help— they failed to discern the fatigue looks of her body. Baggy eyes, slow and arduous movements, thinning cheeks and limbs were overlooked.

(Y/N) expands her lungs then condensed them in a long, tired sigh. She drank in the silence through every pore, soothed by its meditative quality. Each time a worrying though emerged (Y/N) mentally pushed it away, too worn out to deal with it now. When her anxieties had finally leached into the void, (Y/N) moved her aching limbs up the bed. Then she lay there wrapped in her duvet, cocooned by the thick protective buffer of the absolute quiet.

She spoke too soon.

There is someone right next to her... snoring.

"What the heck?! When did you come in my room??"

"When you were having a mental breakdown," he responded quietly.

'Which mental breakdown? You gotta be more specific than that, Yoongi.' (Y/N) subconsciously darted her lower lip out as she half-jokingly rolls her eyes.

"Hey you, little shit." Yoongi remarks, pointing his heavy hand towards (Y/N). "Stop being cute."

Surprised of Yoongi's unusual comment, her eyes and mouth open wide in a frozen expression in response. "W-what?"

"I said you look cute. Only when you're not having a mental breakdown cause that makes you look ugly." Oh he's trying to sound genuine and cheer her up but he's failing miserably.

He sits up from the bed, looking at her with hazy eyes. Yoongi blinked his eyes once and on the second time, he crashes back down to (Y/N)'s bed, pulling her down with him. The female stared at him in disbelief the second Yoongi wraps his hands around her waist.

There was something warm, something that felt right. Without a though, (Y/N) let her body sag and muscles loose. Yoongi gave her respect... in his own special way... and cherished her. In this embrace, (Y/N) felt her worries loose their keen sting and her optimism raise its head from the dirt. No matter how much she wanted to stay in his arms, (Y/N)'s taunting words from the day before kept on coming back.

'Don't talk or interact with—'

Yet that thought disappeared. (Y/N) felt Yoongi brush her hair back with his sculpted fingers. His mannerisms were similar to Jungkook... Jungko—

'(Y/N), I love you.'

Her throat ran dry and sore; every lungful of hot air robs moisture from her body. There is a pain at the back of her head that threatens to grow into a powerful migraine. The glass that caged her agonizing memories started to crack. A crack smaller than a sand pebble but it keeps expanding and expanding.

"Yoongi," (Y/N) forcefully snatches herself away. "What do you want? Why are you here again when I said you shouldn't enter my room without my—"

"I want you to sleep with me. I like having your presence when I'm sleeping, you smell nice."

"You should be sleeping in your own room and not mine." (Y/N) claims while crossing her arms, questioning his real intentions in the process. "I don't want to sound rude but I wouldn't sleep with you. I mean... I don't know much about you, it's like sleeping next to stranger that might not have good intentions."

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